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/ West Africa

Burkina Faso, IDMP pilots soil recuperation in Komki ipala to contribute to poverty alleviationBurkina Faso, IDMP pilots soil recuperation in Komki ipala to contribute to poverty alleviation

M. Bila Compaoré nicknamed Moussa is the chief of the Kogoloweogo association set up since the early 80’s during the revolution period for the reforestation through tree planting in Komki Ipala, 45 km in the west of Ouagadougou. The association involves most of the population of the village of Komki Ipala but is ruled by a group of 21 persons including four women. He is almost 60 but very active and enterprising. “The implementation of this project taught us lots of things that I will personally try to implement in my own field such as making bunches, surrounding walls, land scarification or semi moon to capture rain for the soil”, says Moussa.
/ West Africa

IDMP Mali, teaching how to adapt to drought impacts

The end of the rainy season has brought some very interesting news to farmers working with the Integrated Drought Management pilot project in the Mali central municipality of Gouendo. A field visit carried by the regional Project manager accompanied by the Permanent secretary of CWP Mali set a light encouraging results of the pilot action and the happiness of the beneficiaries.
/ Southeast Asia

Awareness Raising on Basin Management Approach

On 28 September 2016, the CamboWP conducted Awareness Raising on Basin Management Approach with 18 participants who are Commune Council Members, Village Leaders and Deputy Leaders and Villagers of the Baray Commune which is located in the Mekong Floodplain.
/ West Africa

IDMP in Burkina Faso, need to advocate for fundraising

The CWP Burkina Faso held the 2nd meeting of the core group of the platform on Friday 18 November. The exchanges focused on the various fundraising activities carried out, on institutional anchoring, on the organization, operation of the platform and the revision of the texts.
/ West Africa

IDMP Mali, field visit rises interest of partners

The CWP Mali made a guided visit to Gouendo on 16 and 17 November. The visit made it possible to interact with the beneficiaries to obtain their feedback on the pilot project, to know the peasants' perception of the project and to suggest areas for improvement.
/ West Africa

Niger, IDMP project allows time gain to very busy women

The IDMP PM made a field visit accompanied by the Permanent Secretary and Communicator of the Niger CWP on November 22 in the rural municipality of Torodi. The project focus the development of the site of irrigated crops for the benefit of the women of the village of Kankantouti.