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/ South Asia

Webinar on South Asia Drought Monitoring System (SADMS)

Global Water Partnership South Asia (GWP SAS) in collaboration with International Water Management Institute (IWMI) organised the first Webinar using Skype for Business to present the ‘Development of South Asia Drought Monitoring System (SADMS)’ on 30 September 2015.

/ Eastern Africa

Demonstrating IWRM as a tool for Drought Resilience in Uganda

Within the framework of IDMP implementation, GWPEA has started the process of documenting and sharing the knowledge about good case studies on drought resilience the Horn of Africa, in selected countries including Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia

/ Southeast Asia

GWP Myanmar Introduce non-structure measure approach to combat the flood disaster

GWP Myanmar (MmWP) held a Workshop on Integrated Flood Management in Bago River Basin at the time of Climate Change on 3rd August 2015 at Irrigation Technology Center, Bago.
Bago River situated in the Bago Region has occurred frequent flooding in the rainy season especially in July and August. The occurrence of flooding in recent period is more prominent due to the impact of climate change. Although certain activities of structure measure have been done to prevent flooding, there has been necessary to introduce non-structure measure approach to combat the flood disaster.
In this workshop, it is intended to organize multi-stakeholders from the Bago River Basin to discuss Integrated Flood Management and adopt this approach to sustain the livelihood and socio economic conditions of the people who are residing in this river basin. The dialogue was organized by MmWP and Irrigation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Union of Myanmar with sponsorship support from GWP SEA.