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/ Southern Africa

Africa Regional Process Lead Partners meet in Pretoria

The final preparation meeting of the lead partners for the Africa Regional Process to the Eighth World Water Forum and the High Level Panel on Water (HLPW) Africa Legacy Initiative- “African Water Investment Program (AIP) was recently held in Pretoria, South Africa.
/ Mediterranean

Celebratory Closing Conference of two UfM Regional Water Projects: Focus on Sustainable Financing and Integrity for Water Security in the MENA/Mediterranean

More than 140 decision makers and representatives of government, civil society, international organisations, donors, financing institutions, and the private and banking sector, came together for 3 days sharing experiences and discussing needs, challenges and next steps during the “Conference on Water Governance in MENA and wider Mediterranean region” that was held in Barcelona, on 12-14 December. The Regional Conference was organised under the auspices of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), by two UfM-labelled projects supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), namely the Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector project led by GWP-Med, and the Regional Water Integrity Capacity Building Programme in MENA, led by SIWI UNDP Water Governance Facility. The Conference was organised in close and strategic synergy with the EU-funded Sustainable Water Integrated Management and Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism (SWIM-H2020 SM) regional project.
/ Southeast Asia

SDGs WEEK: Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia's Significant Contribution in Networking Session.  27 November – 1 December 2017 Bangkok, Thailand

Asia and the Pacific has made impressive progress towards achieving several sustainable development goals including poverty alleviation, education and economic growth. At the same time, the region needs to accelerate concerted efforts across all sectors to achieve the SDGs by 2030. In the face of transboundary challenges such as climate change and natural disasters, energy security and connectivity, ecosystem degradation on land and in our oceans, and promoting sustainable equitable trade, regional cooperation can support and complement the effectiveness of national mechanisms and be a link between global goals and country level commitments.
/ Southeast Asia

The 3RD Asia-Pacific Water Summit (APWS) Strengthens Multi-Stakeholders Approach To Achieve Water Secure World

Water is the interconnector of all other sectors; Therefore, it is not possible to support sectors development without understanding the role of water as one of the important development foundation. As important as it is, water is still considered as social goods and do not have value by development actors. This condition has created a very complex challenge for the development of water sector itself. In Asia Pacific region, the complexities of water challenges then urged the establishment of The Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF) in Asia Pacific region.
/ Global

GWP advances water financing agenda at COP23

GWP took part in the COP 23 UN climate talks in Bonn, Germany, on 6-17 November, to promote climate change adaptation through water resources management. Various streams of GWP’s work on climate resilience were highlighted, and financing for water was a key component in many discussions.
/ Global

GWP and Partners discuss water connections to NDCs in Bonn

Water is a key component of ensuring climate action. A GWP delegation was in Bonn, Germany, to convey this message and raise the profile of water at the UN climate talks, COP23, which took place 6-17 November. Rapid implementation to the Paris Agreement is paramount to battle climate change. Water is integral to build climate resilience and is therefore a crucial component of implementing the Paris Agreement. And GWP is well positioned to help countries deliver on the adaptation components of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
/ Global

GWP advances SDG reporting in 30 countries

GWP has leveraged its stakeholder network to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reporting process in 30 countries. Together with UN Environment-DHI, the custodian agency of SDG 6.5.1, GWP is convening 30 workshops to collect the official country data for 6.5.1. (Integrated Water Resources Management, IWRM).
/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP CEE consulting stakeholders on SDG 6

National consultation workshops on SDG 6 were held in Central and Eastern Europe to consult stakeholders on assessing the implementation, monitoring and reporting process for indicator 6.5.1.