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/ Central America, Global

“We Need to Work Together to Implement the Strategy”

With the start of a new year, a new decade, and with a new GWP Strategy, GWP Central America Executive Secretary Fabiola Tábora says that it is important to have all GWP Partners and allies working together. In a video interview she talks about the 3 thematic areas of the Strategy and highlights some of the things that GWP Central America will be working on in each of these areas.
/ Global

GWP launches Water Resilience Frontiers at COP25

In one of its key activities at COP25, GWP announced a new collaboration with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other partners, to create plausible water solutions for a climate-resilient future in 2030 and beyond. The initiative is called "Water Resilience Frontiers: Pathways for transformational Climate Resilient Water Security in 2030 and Beyond".
/ Global

GWP Approved to Support Countries with GCF Readiness

During the UNFCCC COP25 climate change conference in Madrid, GWP received news that it had passed the “Financial Management Capacity Assessment” (FMCA) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). This approval enables GWP to be a delivery partner of countries to access the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (the Readiness Programme).
/ Mediterranean

Towards a WEM Framework Programme within the UfM Water Agenda

The Water-Employment-Migration (WEM) Lab II (19-20 November 2019, Istanbul), brought together representatives of key institutions (including on migration and labour), governments and stakeholders including the private sector civil society and academia, to identify related challenges, possible solutions and synergies among a range of partners. The focus was on addressing key lines towards building the WEM Framework Programme of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Water Agenda, building on contributions by on-going and future actions and projects.