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/ Mediterranean

1st Drin Day Celebration

The 1st Drin Day was celebrated on 17th of May 2014, in numerous locations across the Drin Basin, from Lake Ohrid till the outlet of the Buna/Bojana River on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, in order to mark the willingness for transboundary cooperation aimed at the protection of the shared water resources and its supporting ecosystems.

/ Central Asia and Caucasus

Competition on Water Security Ideas

The Competition "Best Ideas for Water Security under Global Climate Change" was held among students from various institutes of higher education in Uzbekistan. Its aim was to awake a care of water as an essential part of human livelihood across the globe among the young people.

/ Southeast Asia

Indonesian Lecturers Learn about IWRM ToolBox

26 lecturers from Indonesian universities recently met in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, together with GWP representatives for a workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) ToolBox.

/ Mediterranean

Launch of the national policy dialogue in Jordan

On 23 October 2013, the joint GWP-Med/OECD Project Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector launched the national policy dialogue in Jordan during a consultation workshop held in Amman.