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GWP Contributes to Hydrology Discussion at WMO

GWP Executive Secretary Monika Weber-Fahr spoke at the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO’s) Commission for Hydrology Technical Conference “Future Hydrological Priorities and Arrangements” on 11 February in Geneva, Switzerland. She delivered a key message on the need for organising so that stakeholders can easily engage with the WMO: “From the perspective of our partners in over 180 countries, GWP is keen to see WMO continue to build its offer to be an easily accessible, reliable and credible entry-point to the world of data and knowledge on the climate/water interface.”
/ Global

Countries Supported on Drought through Global Initiative

The Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) – a joint initiative of GWP and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – is providing targeted drought management support to 8 countries: Ethiopia, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Serbia, Macedonia, and Moldova as part of the UNCCD Drought Initiative.
/ Global

Youth Grow Professionally with GWP

GWP promotes youth inclusion in water resources management. One of those ways is through a robust internship programme. Civil Engineer Axel Martinez, 26, from Nicaragua, spent five months with GWP Central America as a Young Professional Development Initiative Intern under GWP’s Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP). He says the experience has helped him to grow professionally.
/ Global

Online Course Steps Up Learning on Urban Water

GWP, Cap-Net UNDP, and other partners have introduced a new tool to foster Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) on a global scale. The online course, Unpacking the Opportunities of IUWM for Sustainable Cities, was held in October-November 2018. It attracted 154 applications, with 72 accepted, and a follow-up course is being planned for 2019. “The great thing with the course is that it can be adapted to fit any project as needed,” says GWP Senior Network Specialist François Brikké, who sees a big potential in further developing the course at regional and country level.
/ Global

GWP: An Asset for the Planet, Says New GWP Chair Howard Bamsey

This month, Howard Bamsey began his duties as the new Chair of GWP. He did so with a visit to the global secretariat in Stockholm, Sweden, where he met staff and got briefed on current issues around the network. We took the opportunity to discuss his thoughts on joining GWP, and his reflections on some of GWP’s most recent activities at the UN climate change conference, COP24, in December.
/ Global

Global Water Partnership (GWP) Appoints New Chair

The Global Water Partnership’s (GWP) Sponsoring Partners have selected Mr. Howard Bamsey, former Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), as the new Chair of GWP. The appointment is effective immediately.
/ Global

Mina Guli's #RunningDry Campaign Turns into Movement

GWP Steering Committee Member Mina Guli's #RunningDry campaign - to run 100 marathons in 100 days to raise awareness around the global water crisis - has turned into a movement, after a serious injury forced Mina to take a break from running.
/ China, Global, Southeast Asia

Multiple-stakeholder Platform for the Lancang-Mekong Water Sharing

On December 17-20, 2018, stakeholders from the Lancang-Mekong river basin countries shared their lessons of natural disasters control and future vision on joint programmes regarding the sustainable river development in Dali, Yunnan Province.
/ Global

Preparing to Adapt: The Untold Story of Water

Water is to adaptation what energy is to mitigation – and with this in mind, GWP and the NDC Partnership co-convened a ministerial dialogue on December 10. Bringing together progress made on implementing SDG6 – the Water Goal – with climate adaptation ambitions, GWP launched “The Untold Story of Water”, an analysis of 80 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).