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/ Global

Increasing the Impact of GWP’s Knowledge Resources

GWP is evaluating the role of knowledge within its Technical Committee (TEC). Selected forward thinkers and headquarter staff gathered for a 2-day collaborative workshop in Athens, Greece, on 4-5 September, to explore how GWP can access and apply the knowledge of the network. The big question was: How can we increase impact as well as stakeholder and user benefit? Ahead of the workshop, TEC Chair Jerome Delli Priscoli shared his thoughts on where TEC is going.
/ Global

GWP Speaks to Range of Issues at 2018 World Water Week

GWP representatives from global, regional, and country level took part in 27 different public sessions at this year’s World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, 26-31 August. Sessions covered a full range of topics, such as Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), ecosystems, urban, migration, drought, financing, transboundary, youth, etc. The GWP booth also had themes every day of the week, which included capturing the voices of the visitors, and networking.
/ Global

SDG6 Reviewed for First Time at UN

In a long-anticipated event, the UN’s High Level Political Forum (HLPF) met in New York in July, to review progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, including, for the first time, the one dedicated to water, SDG 6. A GWP delegation was present, communicating key messages from its global network of 3,000-plus partners.
/ Global, Southern Africa

Bringing Youth to the Table in Southern Africa

A corner of the GWP Southern Africa office in Pretoria, South Africa, houses the headquarters of WHC – short for Water Hygiene Convenience. We spoke to Paseka Lesolang, Founder and Managing Director of WHC, who describes the partnership as an ideal way to join forces – with a shared vision and common goals.
/ Global

Outcomes of Asia Conference on Water-Related Disasters

GWP co-organised a session on the topic of water and disaster risk reduction in Asia during the recent Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) in Mongolia. The session's outcome document highlights a number of ways to combat water-related disasters.
/ Central America, Global

Panamanian Youth Talk about Water and the SDGs

The Panama chapter of the Central American Water Youth Network held its 2nd national youth conference in Chirquí, June 2 and 3, with the support of GWP and other organisations.
/ Global

Governance Meetings Pave Way for GWP Future

GWP held its annual Regional Days meeting on 23-25 May in Budapest, Hungary. This was followed by meetings of the GWP Steering Committee, Financing Partners Group, and Sponsoring Partners in Stockholm, Sweden on 11-14 June. All meetings were focused on launching the process for developing GWP’s new strategy.
/ Global

Mina Guli on 100 Marathons, 100 Days, 1 Reason: Water

Mina Guli is CEO of Thirst and a member of the GWP Steering Committee. In November she will embark on a mission to complete 100 marathons in 100 days – with the single goal of raising awareness around the global water crisis. In a Facebook Live interview from 15 June, she describes her motivation to work for a water secure world, and how she hopes to engage people all around the world in her campaign #RunningDry.
/ Central America, Global

En Route to Implementing SDG 6 in Honduras

During the month of May, ten workshops were held in the different regions of Honduras to raise awareness on the steps taken by the government to prepare for the implementation of SDG 6 in the country, as well as to promote that the Goal is included in local and territorial planning. They were also an opportunity to share information on GWP's campaign #ActOnSDG6.