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/ Global

GWP advances water financing agenda at COP23

GWP took part in the COP 23 UN climate talks in Bonn, Germany, on 6-17 November, to promote climate change adaptation through water resources management. Various streams of GWP’s work on climate resilience were highlighted, and financing for water was a key component in many discussions.
/ Global

GWP and Partners discuss water connections to NDCs in Bonn

Water is a key component of ensuring climate action. A GWP delegation was in Bonn, Germany, to convey this message and raise the profile of water at the UN climate talks, COP23, which took place 6-17 November. Rapid implementation to the Paris Agreement is paramount to battle climate change. Water is integral to build climate resilience and is therefore a crucial component of implementing the Paris Agreement. And GWP is well positioned to help countries deliver on the adaptation components of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
/ Mediterranean

Culminating the Governance & Financing Dialogue in Lebanon - the way ahead

The 3rd Consultation Workshop on enhancing the potential for Private Sector Participation in Water Infrastructure in Lebanon, with emphasis on the role of Banks was organised in Beirut on the 8th November 2017, as part of the National Policy Dialogue on Water Governance and Financing. The Workshop involved more than 25 targeted representatives of relevant public institutions, private banks, regional organisations and NGOs.
/ Mediterranean

Culminating the Governance & Financing Dialogue in Lebanon - the way ahead

The 3rd Consultation Workshop on enhancing the potential for Private Sector Participation in Water Infrastructure in Lebanon, with emphasis on the role of Banks was organised in Beirut on the 8th November 2017, as part of the National Policy Dialogue on Water Governance and Financing. The Workshop involved more than 25 targeted representatives of relevant public institutions, private banks, regional organisations and NGOs.
/ Southern Africa

Experts and Special Advisor appointed to join GWPSA-ACU

Five experts, a Special Advisor and a Gender Expert have been appointed to join GWP-SA-Africa Coordination Unit to boost the drive towards the SADC industrialization, job creation and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda.