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/ Central America, Global

Water Management Strategy in Three Basins of Southern Honduras

GWP is coordinating the formulation of a Water Resources Strategy and Action Plan for the Nacaome, Choluteca and Sampile river basins in the Gulf of Fonseca region in Honduras. The Strategy was validated in a series of workshops in December and January and is expected to be finalized during the month of March 2021.

CLOSED:Call for the recruitment of Senior Programme Officer

The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer to be based in Jordan. The successful candidate will be hired by the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), a civil non-profit society based in Greece, in its capacity as Host Institute for GWP-Med.
/ Global

GWP Country Leaders Meet for Learning Exchange, 25th Anniversary Launched

GWP organised an online peer-to-peer learning exchange with leaders from its country platforms on 21 January. The event focused on how to mobilise and engage for stronger Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) and other GWP country platforms to amplify GWP's impact. It was also the launch event in a year-long celebration of GWP's 25th Anniversary.