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/ Southern Africa

GWP launches new publication "Addressing Water in National Adaptation Plans"

On Monday 8 April 2019, at the Korea Global Adaptation Week, GWP launched the publication "Addressing Water in National Adaptation Plans – Water Supplement to the UNFCCC NAP Technical Guidelines". The launch event was co-hosted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and GWP.
/ Southeast Asia

HELP-GWP Southeast Asia Consultation Meeting on Draft Principles on Investment And Financing For Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction

Hanoi, 22 March 2019 -- In the Southeast Asia region, prone to many disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts, many efforts are being made to build capacity, influence policies and develop strategies to better equip member states to prevent and address disaster. Given the need and importance of paying attention to water-related disasters, the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP), drafted ‘principles on investment and financing for water related disaster risk reduction’, which was launched during the 8th World Water Forum in Brazil. Building on a cooperation between the Global Water Partnership (GWP), the HELP and Japanese government, a session on DRR is organized with the main objective to consult on investment and financing for water related-disaster risk reduction principles. This consultation was organized as part of Viet Nam wAter Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019 as this initiative is closely related to the VACI’s objectives, which was designed to share and co-create innovative water solution with emphasis on Vietnam and tropical water issues. Keywords: Climate change, disaster risks reduction, investment and financing, Southeast Asia, consultation meeting
/ Mediterranean

Drin Day 2019

GEF/UNDP/GWP-Med project 'Enabling transboundary cooperation and integrated water resources management in the extended Drin River Basin' (GEF Drin Project) is making efforts to raise public awareness about the natural wealth and cultural heritage of the Drin River Basin through the celebration of Drin Day 2019.
/ Mediterranean

Call for the recruitment of a Programme Officer in Albania

The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med) is seeking to hire a Programme Officer based in Albania, to serve as a Dialogue Coordinator for the implementation of activities under the National and Transboundary Nexus Dialogue Processes in Albania and in the river basins of the Drin and Drina rivers.