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/ Central Asia and Caucasus, China, Global, South Asia, Southeast Asia

GWP Interprets ‘MSP’ to the Asian-Pacific Audiences

On December 11 and 12, 2017, the GWP Pan-Asian delegation formed by members of GWPO, GWP CASENA Region, GWP China Region, GWP SAS Region and GWP SEA Region participated into the 3rd APWS and organized a thematic session during the Summit in Yangon, Myanmar.
/ Global

GWP advances water financing agenda at COP23

GWP took part in the COP 23 UN climate talks in Bonn, Germany, on 6-17 November, to promote climate change adaptation through water resources management. Various streams of GWP’s work on climate resilience were highlighted, and financing for water was a key component in many discussions.
/ Global

GWP and Partners discuss water connections to NDCs in Bonn

Water is a key component of ensuring climate action. A GWP delegation was in Bonn, Germany, to convey this message and raise the profile of water at the UN climate talks, COP23, which took place 6-17 November. Rapid implementation to the Paris Agreement is paramount to battle climate change. Water is integral to build climate resilience and is therefore a crucial component of implementing the Paris Agreement. And GWP is well positioned to help countries deliver on the adaptation components of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
/ Global

GWP advances SDG reporting in 30 countries

GWP has leveraged its stakeholder network to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reporting process in 30 countries. Together with UN Environment-DHI, the custodian agency of SDG 6.5.1, GWP is convening 30 workshops to collect the official country data for 6.5.1. (Integrated Water Resources Management, IWRM).
/ Central America, Global

Rainwater Harvesting in Valle de Jiboa, El Salvador

To contribute to water security in the communities of Valle de Jiboa, El Salvador, where communities face water scarcity, the Association of Municipalities (MIJIBOA) and the Women's Network of Valle del Jiboa, in partnership with the National Foundation for Development (FUNDE), GWP Central America and Mexichem, installed 7 rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems between February to September 2017. The initiative had a gender focus, as the women of the area were an active part of the implementation of the project.
/ Global

Urban Resilience Discussed in Korea

GWP Technical Committee Chair Dr. Jerome Delli Priscoli was a keynote speaker at the World Water Cities Forum 2017, which took place at the Korean International Water Week (KIWW) in September. Urban resilience and how to get it right was at the heart of his speech.
/ Central America, Global

Transboundary Waters – an Emerging Issue

Professor Adrian Cashman is Senior Lecturer at the University of West Indies and a member of GWP’s Technical Committee. He speaks of the recent Technical Focus Paper “IWRM in Central America: the over-riding challenge of managing transboundary waters” – an issue he says is now emerging globally.
/ Global

New to the Network: GWP Colombia

On August 17, GWP granted formal accreditation to GWP Colombia - or “Alianza Colombiana para el Agua”, which is the local name. Colombia is a country recognised by its technical capacity in Latin America and beyond.