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/ Central and Eastern Europe

European conference about IWRM

GWP representatives from Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova attended the "Integrated Water Management in the Balkans and Eastern Europe" Conference on 20-23 March in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Participants from 15 countries shared experiences and best practices in the field of integrated water management and climate change and discussed major topics regarding regional and transboundary waters.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP contributes to UNECE transboundary process

The assessment of transboundary water cooperation in Central and Western Europe was the topic of a subregional workshop in Budapest on February 8-10, 2011, organized by the Ministry of Rural Development of Hungary, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in cooperation with the International Water Assessment Centre (IWAC).

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Stakeholders adopted urban action plan in Moldova

The Chisinau city action plan, formally adopted in December 2010, involved multi-faceted consultations between urban planners, water authorities, transport agencies, monitoring institutes, universities, and other important stakeholders, all with their own interests and technical vocabularies. As a neutral facilitator, GWP Moldova helped this diverse set of stakeholders realize that good water management is important for all.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Danube Strategy includes integrated approach

In December 2010 the European Commission adopted the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region, the first ever guide to medium-term development of the Danube area.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Flagship projects for European Union Strategy for Danube Region

GWP Romania participated at the Bucharest Business Forum at the World Trade Center, Bucharest, Romania on 18-19 October 2010. The goal was to offer a discussion platform for all stakeholders interested in developing flagship projects within the EU Strategy for Danube Region through Strategic Partnerships at European macro regional level.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP Lithuania Launches Campaign

With its experience of being a neutral platform for negotiating river basin management plans, GWP Lithuania has been asked to act as a national information center for water resources management.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Guidelines for Water Management

Located in the Baltic Sea Basin, water quality management is one of the Poland's key issues, creating problems for people’s livelihoods and the environment. Due to year-to-year variability in its water resources, devastating floods and local water scarcities are frequent. 

/ Central and Eastern Europe

High-level dialogue addresses Europe's sanitation woes

In January 2008, GWP-CEE – together with Women in Europe for a Common Future, the European Water Partnership, KIWA Water Research, Coalition Clean Baltic, and Coram Industries – organised a high-level policy dialogue on EU Sanitation Policies and Practices in the 2008 International Year of Sanitation in Brussels, Belgium.