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/ Mediterranean

Progress in GWP-Med’s collaboration with Tunisian Ministry on development planning

The Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) has established a long-term, mutually benefitial collaboration agreement with the General Department for Planning and Conservation of Agricultural Lands at the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture on integrating climate change considerations in the latter’s new water and soil preservation planning, as well as on developing a territorial planning methodology using the Douimis basin as a pilot case.

/ Mediterranean

Final Consultation Meeting for the Presentation of the Buna/Bojana Transboundary Integrated Management Plan

The Transboundary Integrated Management Plan for the Buna/Bojana Area (“the Plan”) was presented during a Consultation Meeting on 7 September 2015, in Ulcinj, Montenegro. The Plan was jointly prepared by the Regional Activity Centre for the Priority Actions Programme (PAP/RAC), Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) and UNESCO ‐ International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO-IHP), in the framework of the GEF UNEP/MAP Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem (MedPartnership).

/ Mediterranean

ClimVar Project: Concluding the Climagine consultation process in Tunisia

The third and final “Climagine” consultation workshop was organised by the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med), in the framework of the regional ClimVar Project “Integration of the Climate Variability and Change Impacts in the Integrated Coastal Zones Management National Strategies”, through two consecutive consultations, one in the archipelago of Kerkennah in Southern Tunisia, on July 28th, 2015 and one in Tunis the day after, both with more than 25 participants from key organisations involved in Tunisia and Kerkennah’s coastal management.

/ Mediterranean

Training on participatory diagnostic analysis with regards to mainstreaming climate change into water and soil conservation planning

The Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) has established a formal agreement with the Department for Planning and Conservation of Agricultural Lands at the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture towards integrating climate change considerations in water and soil conservation planning, under the WACDEP (Water, Climate & Development) Programme; and in this context, it has entered a very fruitful collaboration with the Ministry, as well as the Regional Department for Agriculture in Bizerte, in Tunisia’s North, using the Douimis Basin in the Bizerte Region as a pilot for the development of the climate change mainstreaming methodology.

/ Global, Mediterranean

Lively Debate on Water Governance & Sustainable Financing held during the Stockholm World Water Week 2015

‘Improving water governance for achieving financial sustainability in the Mediterranean’ was the topic of the event organised by the Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med), within the ‘Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector’ project, during the World Water Week in Stockholm, on 25 August 2015. The event - closely related to this year’s theme on ‘Water for Development’ - focused on the needed pro-poor, inclusive and gender-sensitive actions for better governance and on the impact that this can have on the financial sustainability of the water sector leading to sustainable development.

/ Global, Mediterranean

Tunisia: Mainstreaming Climate Change in Water and Soil Conservation Planning in Tunisia

Aimed at integrating climate change considerations in water and soil conservation planning in Tunisia, the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) has established, in the framework of its WACDEP Programme (Water, Climate and Development Programme), a very beneficial collaboration with the Department for Planning and Conservation of Agricultural Lands at the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture and the Regional Department for Agriculture in Bizerte, in Tunisia’s North.