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/ Southern Africa

GWPSA participates in Zimbabwe Training of Trainers on the NAP

On the 4th to the 6th of May, 2016, GWPSA contributed to the National Adaptation Plans (NAP) process through its participation in a Training of Trainers workshop in Zimbabwe, with the aim of advancing the Zimbabwe NAP through the NAP Global Support Programme (GSP). The workshop was held in Kadoma, Zimbabwe, and 40 people attended. The participants came from various government departments, which include; Climate Change, Water, Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA), Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Local Government and Oxfam. 

/ Southern Africa

Swaziland Water Youth Forum - Enhancing Learning on Effective Water Resource Management

The Swaziland Water Youth Forum is an entity under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy, housed in the Department of Water Affairs. The forum was established during the SADC Water Week held in Swaziland last year. The forum has an action plan that includes raising awareness of the water sector among young people so as to enhance their participation in national development issues. 

/ Southern Africa

Making strides in Water Governance - Malawi National Youth Water Network

Following the SADC Water Week Conference held at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe, Malawi from the 13-15 May, 2015, the Malawi National Youth Water Network (MNYWN) was formed on the 14th of May, 2015. The setting up of the Network was in line with the SADC program for the African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) Policy and Strategy on Mainstreaming Youth in the Water and Sanitation Sector through the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, Water Aid and Malawi Water Partnership.

/ Southern Africa

GWPSA holds National consultations on water and food security in Malawi and Lesotho

Africa in particular its sub Saharan part, is one of the most affected areas in the world regarding food insecurity (Africa 2014 report on hunger, IFPRI). The agricultural sector which food security and poverty reduction depends very much on in Africa is likely to be affected by climate change if no action is taken.  It is against that background that The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa held national consultations on water and food in Malawi and Lesotho on the 21st of April 2016. 

/ Southern Africa

GWPSA holds National consultations on water and food security in Malawi and Lesotho

Africa in particular its sub Saharan part, is one of the most affected areas in the world regarding food insecurity (Africa 2014 report on hunger, IFPRI). The agricultural sector which food security and poverty reduction depends very much on in Africa is likely to be affected by climate change if no action is taken.  It is against that background that The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa held national consultations on water and food in Malawi and Lesotho on the 21st of April 2016. 

/ Southern Africa

GWPSA holds Validation Workshop on the Limpopo Basin DRR Action Plan

Responding to the dramatic increase in extreme weather events and mega disasters is one of the great challenges of the Limpopo River Basin. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is a top priority for the basin as it seeks to hold back the tide of rising economic and human losses through flood and droughts. To reduce risks from such disasters, GWPSA has over the past 2 years been involved in the development of a disaster risk reduction action plan for the Limpopo Basin. This Plan of Action presents a strategy for integrating disaster risk reduction into the Limpopo transboundary level operations. As part of the process to developing the plan, GWPSA held a workshop on the 5th of April, 2016, to validate the draft DRR action plan of the Limpopo Basin. 

/ Southern Africa

GWPSA supports LIMCOM Technical Task Team in the start to Developing the Limpopo River Basin IWRM Plan 2016-2020

GWPSA facilitated the LIMCOM Technical Task Team Meeting that was held to develop the Limpopo River Basin IWRM Plan 2016-2020.  The workshop took place in Johannesburg on the 6th and 7th of April, 2016. The 2016-2020 plan follows the 2011-2015 IWRM LIMCOM Plan that came to an end in 2015 and had adopted a comprehensive approach to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) through three strategic areas, namely: i) Water Governance, ii) Water Management and iii) Water Resources Development. It was against these areas that the new plan would be developed.