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/ Central and Eastern Europe

IWRM and Water Transport

In order to advocate for the application of IWRM principles in the design of waterways and their operation, GWP Romania took part in the government-organised 13th Shipping Conference on 2-3 December 2009.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP at the Ministerial Meeting

The GWPO Network Officer Mr. Bjorn Guterstam, accompanied by GWP CEE Chair Mr. Liviu Nicolae Popescu, presented the statement on behalf of observer organizations to ICPDR at the Ministerial Meeting on 16 February in Vienna, Austria. At the meeting, Ministers endorsed detailed actions for environmental protection in the Danube River Basin.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Changing the attitudes of farmers and local authorities

GWP Slovakia, GWP Hungary and GWP Ukraine worked with municipalities, river basin organisations, NGOs, farmers and urban planning authorities to develop a workable partnership to manage flood risks in the transboundary Bodrog River Basin.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Grass roots engaged in water needs of Slovak communities

GWP Slovakia has been introducing the IWRM approach to the Association of Municipalities, using the guide Sustainable Sanitation in Central and Eastern Europe prepared by GWP Central and Eastern Europe as a key resource.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Bulgaria aligns local and regional basin plans

GWP Bulgaria is helping local groups see how they fit into broader regional perspectives such as the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).

/ Central and Eastern Europe

First steps towards a Bic River basin management plan

Promoting the IWRM approach means first making those involved in water management aware of IWRM principles, how they can be applied in their context and the main benefits of doing so.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Kosovo experts visit Bulgaria

GWP Bulgaria hosted a technical visit of 9 experts, including Kosovo Water Director, from Prishtina based Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Water Department on September 29 - October 2.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

ToolBox Workshop

GWP Inter-Regional Workshop will be held on 25-27 May 2009 in Kiev, Ukraine.