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/ Central and Eastern Europe, Mediterranean

National dialogue on the impacts of drought in Kosovo

The Office of the Prime Minster of Kosovo in cooperation with Global Water Partnership organized a National Drought Dialogue on 12 November 2014 in Pristina.

/ Mediterranean

Official launch of the Water Policy Dialogue in Palestine

The first consultation workshop of the Water Policy Dialogue in Palestine, within the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) labelled project Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector was held in close cooperation with the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), on 13 November 2014, in Ramallah. With more than 40 key stakeholders from the government; private companies and banks; research institutes and Academia; media as well as the Civil Society actively participating, the workshop marked the official launch of the Policy Dialogue to be conducted by GWP-Med within the period 2014-2015.

/ Mediterranean

Official launch of the Water Policy Dialogue in Palestine

The first consultation workshop of the Water Policy Dialogue in Palestine, within the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) labelled project Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector was held in close cooperation with the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), on 13 November 2014, in Ramallah. With more than 40 key stakeholders from the government; private companies and banks; research institutes and Academia; media as well as the Civil Society actively participating, the workshop marked the official launch of the Policy Dialogue to be conducted by GWP-Med within the period 2014-2015.
/ Mediterranean

Call for Quotations for the Supply and Installation of a Green Roof at the Institute of Applied Science (IAS), of the College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST), Malta

Call for Quotations for the Supply and Installation of a Green Roof at the Institute of Applied Science (IAS), of the College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST), Malta within the framework of the "Climate Change Adaptation through Non-Conventional Water Resources Management in North Mediterranean" (a.k.a. Alter Aqua).

/ Mediterranean

Regional Consultation Workshop: Strengthening Institutions For Transboundary Water Management In North Africa

A regional consultation workshop took place in Tunis, on September 11th 2014, aimed at supporting the development of the ten-year strategy (2015-2025) and the detailed five-year action plan (2015-2020) for the African Network for Basin Organisations (ANBO) to become an effective tool in strengthening and promoting institutional management mechanisms for shared water resources in Africa.

/ Mediterranean

North Western Sahara Aquifer System Consultation Mechanism Study Tour

A field trip to the Secretariat of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) as well as to water management national institutions in selected Danube Riparian countries - Austria, Slovakia and Hungary – that are active in the framework of the ICPDR, was organized on 8-10 October 2014.