GWP-WA is searching the expertise of a Communication Agency to carry out the mission entitled “Development of communication materials on tools, policies and plans related to the profile, the EWS VoltAlarm and the regional strategy for the RIMFDR in the VB issued from the VFDM project and other related documents on the project website".
These terms of reference present the objectives, the expected results as well as the mandate of the Communication Agency, the expected deliverables, and the methodological approach to carry out the mission.
On April 02 and 03, 2024, in the meeting room of the Centre d'Écoute des Jeunes de Bama in Burkina Faso, the local workshop on tools, strategies and other provisions for integrated flood and drought risk management to build resilience in the Volta Basin in Burkina Faso took place.
Within the framework of the implementation of the Project "Reversing the trends of Ecosystem and Water Resources Degradation in the Volta River Basin (REWarD - Volta River Basin)", financed by GEF and executed by VBA and GWP-WA in close collaboration with UNEP and IUCN, a small technical team coordinated by GWP-WA met in Koudougou from February 19 to 24, 2024, to update the Communication Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2020 drawn up in 2028.
Burkina Faso, with the financial and technical support of the Secretariat of the Water Convention, has organized a national workshop to inform stakeholders about the process of acceding to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. GWP-WA provided technical and financial support for this national meeting.
The Mono Basin Authority (MBA) held the sixth (6th) ordinary session of its Council of Ministers on January 26, 2024 in Lomé, Togo. This meeting was preceded by the meeting of the Technical Committee of Experts (CTE) from January 22 to 25.
A delegation from Niger's Country Water Partnership ((CWP) led by its Chair, Dr. Nazoumou YAHAYA, accompanied by Mr. Sani Ayouba, CWP Treasurer, was received this Thursday, February 1, 2024 by the Director General of the Water Sector Regulatory Authority (ARSEau), Mr. Almoustapha Garba. Almoustapha Garba, accompanied by Mr. Arzaké Ibrahim Abdoulaye, Head of the Technical Facilities Department, and Dr. Ibrahim Diolombi MAHAMADOU, Head of Communication and Public Relations Unit of ARSEau.
Mali and Burkina Faso are celebrating ten years since the creation of the Joint Technical Committee for Integrated Water Resources Management (CTC-GIRE). The meeting takes place on December 18 and 19, 2023 in Bobo-Dioulasso.
Project to support the operationalization of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) to strengthen resilience to climate change in transboundary basins in West Africa (PAGIREC- AO), this is the title of the funding request whose validation of the detailed request motivated the restricted technical regional workshop organized on December 14 and 15, 2023 in Ouagadougou by the Department of Agriculture, Water Resources and Environment (DAREN) of the WAEMU Commission, in collaboration with the Water Resources Management Centre (CGRE) of the ECOWAS Commission and the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA).
GWP-WA held this Saturday, December 2, 2023 the 11th Partners Assembly under the theme: ''Accelerating the achievement of SDG6 in a context of security crisis in West Africa: Challenges, Innovative Strategies and Contributions of Partnerships''. The event took place in #Ouagadougou, #Burkina Faso under the patronage of the Minister of Environment, Water and Sanitation of Burkina Faso represented by the Director General of Water Resources.
The Regional Forum on the theme: "Capitalization and scaling up of IWRM best practices for water security and population resilience in the WAEMU Space" took place from November 28 to 30, 2023 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.