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/ West Africa

Mission for the ‘‘Establishment and Capacity Building of National and Regional Coordination of the Users of the Volta Basin’s Natural resources

Project: Reversing Ecosystem and Water Degradation in the Volta River Basin (REWarD-Volta River Basin) Title: Mission for the ‘‘Establishment and Capacity Building of National and Regional Coordination of the Users of the Volta Basin’s Natural resources’’ Duration: Two hundred and thirty (230) Man-day (MD) over a calendar period of six (06) months Publication date: 18/04/2024 Closing date: 18/05/2024
/ West Africa

Mission for the elaboration of the detailed project document on the integrated management of aquatic invasive species in the Volta basin

Project : Reversing Ecosystem and Water Degradation in the Volta River Basin (REWarD – Volta River Basin) Title : Mission for the elaboration of the detailed project document on the integrated management of aquatic invasive species in the Volta basin Duration : Forty (40) Man-Days (MD) spread over a calendar period of ninety (90) days Publication Date : 18/04/2024 Closing Date : 18/05/2024
/ West Africa

Mission for the elaboration of a detailed project document on the management of shallow groundwater (water table) in the Volta basin

Project : Reversing Ecosystem and Water Degradation in the Volta River Basin (REWarD – Volta River Basin) Title : Mission for the elaboration of a detailed project document on the management of shallow groundwater (water table) in the Volta basin Duration : Forty (40) Man-Days (MD) over a calendar period of ninety (90) days Publication Date : 18/04/2024 Closing Date : 18/05/2024
/ West Africa

VFDM, recruiting a communications agency

GWP-WA is searching the expertise of a Communication Agency to carry out the mission entitled “Development of communication materials on tools, policies and plans related to the profile, the EWS VoltAlarm and the regional strategy for the RIMFDR in the VB issued from the VFDM project and other related documents on the project website". These terms of reference present the objectives, the expected results as well as the mandate of the Communication Agency, the expected deliverables, and the methodological approach to carry out the mission.
/ West Africa

GWP-WA supports the updating of the VBA’s communication strategy

Within the framework of the implementation of the Project "Reversing the trends of Ecosystem and Water Resources Degradation in the Volta River Basin (REWarD - Volta River Basin)", financed by GEF and executed by VBA and GWP-WA in close collaboration with UNEP and IUCN, a small technical team coordinated by GWP-WA met in Koudougou from February 19 to 24, 2024, to update the Communication Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2020 drawn up in 2028.
/ West Africa

Transboundary water management, Burkina Faso moves towards accession to the Water Convention

Burkina Faso, with the financial and technical support of the Secretariat of the Water Convention, has organized a national workshop to inform stakeholders about the process of acceding to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. GWP-WA provided technical and financial support for this national meeting.
/ West Africa

CWP Niger and ARSEau work together to improve collaboration

A delegation from Niger's Country Water Partnership ((CWP) led by its Chair, Dr. Nazoumou YAHAYA, accompanied by Mr. Sani Ayouba, CWP Treasurer, was received this Thursday, February 1, 2024 by the Director General of the Water Sector Regulatory Authority (ARSEau), Mr. Almoustapha Garba. Almoustapha Garba, accompanied by Mr. Arzaké Ibrahim Abdoulaye, Head of the Technical Facilities Department, and Dr. Ibrahim Diolombi MAHAMADOU, Head of Communication and Public Relations Unit of ARSEau.