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/ Global

Cleveringa and the GWP Change Agenda

The Executive Secretary of GWP, Rudolph Cleveringa, says that GWP as a network needs to change: “We can’t use the same agenda as we did 20 years ago”. Approaching World Water Day 2016, Cleveringa takes a moment to reflect on GWP’s 20 years in the water world and talks about his vision on how to make the network fit for the future – local inclusion and diversity are words he uses to make his point.

/ Global

GWP Commits to 2030 Agenda Implementation

Global Water Partnership (GWP) celebrates 20th anniversary at a time when the global development agenda is at a turning point. Following the recently adopted 2030 Agenda in 2015, a new animation video has been released to show GWP’s response to the world’s water challenges: partnership and cross-sector collaboration are key.
/ Global

GWP Presents: Women Water Champions on IWD2016

“Water, gender and development are closely interconnected, and GWP realizes this fully. We think that water empowers women, and empowered women transform their societies.” These are the words of GWP Interim Chair Alice Bouman-Dentener on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2016 (#IWD2016). Alongside her, some of the remarkable women in the GWP network speak up - about their journey to become successful in their professions, how to overcome obstacles they face as women, and also recommendations to other women.
/ Global, South Asia

International Women's Day 2016

On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8 March), Global Water Partnership South Asia (GWP SAS) has interviewed women in the water community across the Network on their journey to become successful in their professions, how to overcome obstacles they face as women, and also recommendations to other women.

/ Global

New GWP Web Shop Open

For its 20th Anniversary, GWP has developed a new web shop that contains GWP’s global publications. This is a gift to all GWP Partners and anyone seeking information on various water issues. The shop is open and available here – everything is free of charge.

/ Global

Jacques Rey on GWP: Making Meaningful Connections

If you are part of the GWP network, chances are that you have met GWP Head of Network Operations, Jacques Rey. He is coordinating GWP programmes in the global secretariat in Stockholm, and has been involved from the beginning of GWP, way back in 1996. Here he reflects on his history with the network.