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/ West Africa

TFTC Burkina involves women for good hygiene and sanitation practices in Koankin, the rural community of SAPONE

SDG 6.2 states “to achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations”. To contribute to that hygiene education is a necessity in any development programme in order to contribute as well to “end all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere” (SDG5.1).
/ West Africa

CWP Benin gathers water sector stakeholders to own the NAP development process

The water sector actors gathered on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 for a workshop to internalize and appropriate of the elaboration process of the National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change (NAP). This meeting was organized with the technical support of the Directorate General of Environment and Climate in the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MCVDD).
/ West Africa

Call for applications

Adaptation Fund Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin Call for Application
/ West Africa

Benin, RICC discusses climate resilience at local level

CWP Benin and its partners of the project “Strengthening Investments for Climate Resilient Development Project in the Lac Nokoué - Lagoon de Porto Novo Complex (RICC)” held on Thursday, March 28, 2019, in Porto-Novo, the 2nd session of the Local Platform for the Management of Climate Information, Natural Disaster Risks and Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in the Production Sectors in the Lac-Nokoue-Lagune Complex.
/ West Africa

VBA prepares Water Charter ratification processes by the countries

In December 2018, the draft Volta Basin Water Charter was validated by the main stakeholders of the basin at a regional workshop attended by the Togolese Water Sector Authorities, VBA and GEF national focal points from VBA member countries, technical and financial partners.
/ West Africa

Burkina Faso, the NDA discusses climate financing with stakeholders

The Burkina Faso Prime Minister represented by the Minister of Environment opened on 26 March 2019 a meeting on a national structured dialogue on Green Climate Funds organized by the National Designated Agency (NDA) under the office of the Prime Minister.
/ West Africa

Benin, involving students in to the climate resilience

The Junior Chamber International (JCI) Natitingou Baobab, one of the partners of the TonFuturTonClimat project in Benin organized on 15 March 2019 an information and education session of its school clubs’ members of Yakabissi and Birini.
/ West Africa

Togo, TFTC beneficiaries’ associations produce compost and capacity building for young professionals

Eau Vive Togo implementing its project to support young people in protecting the environment, water and soil (PAJPEES) has trained young men and women from 26 to 28 February 2019 in Danyi-Apéyéme on the compost production. To follow upon the training of the young agro-pastoralists, Eau Vive Togo gave to the beneficiary associations some inputs (chicken droppings and "Mycotri" boxes) for compost production.