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/ Mediterranean

Water Governance & Financing Project Taking Shape in Mediterranean

The official launch of the project “Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector” will take place in Barcelona, 28-29 May 2013, during a regional Conference organised by the Global Water Partnership Mediterranean under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean.

/ Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus, Mediterranean

Sharing best water management practices

EU-funded project “Water Management and Basin Organisations in Central Asia” organizes a study tour to Spain and Portugal on 5-11 May 2013.

/ Caribbean, Mediterranean

Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting in Caribbean and Mediterranean

GWP Caribbean (GWP-C) and GWP Mediterranean (GWP Med) are building awareness on the importance of water conservation by implementing rainwater harvesting techniques. With islands surrounded by salt water, the rainwater harvesting model is critical for access to fresh water in both regions.

/ Mediterranean

GWP Video Release: Water Cooperation for a Water Secure World

Water Cooperation is at the heart of GWP’s mission to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels. That mission can only be achieved if a partnership of government, civil society, and the private sector work together to solve water challenges.


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/ Mediterranean

Transboundary IWRM in the Drin

The Drin River Basin covers Albania, Greece, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo (UN administered) and Montenegro. The Drin River is the connecting body of this water system, linking the lakes, wetlands, rivers and other aquatic habitats into a single ecosystem of major importance. A work programme for the project “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Extended Drin River Basin”, in which GWP Mediterranean participates, was adopted in November.

/ Mediterranean

De-polluting the Mediterranean

More than a 120 Members of Parliament, journalists and NGOs from 22 Mediterranean countries met on 22-23 October 2012, in Athens, Greece, and pledged to accelerate their efforts towards de-polluting the Mediterranean by the year 2020.

/ Mediterranean

Transboundary management in the Buna/Bojana catchment

The preparation of the Buna/Bojana Transboundary Integrated Management Plan aims to assist in identifying steps towards the reduction of pollution and the preservation of biodiversity in the area. Through multi-stakeholder consultations, the Plan will identify problems and issues in this basin shared between Albania and Montenegro. The Plan is prepared in the framework of the GEF MAP UNEP MedPartnership Programme by UNEP MAP PAP/RAC, GWP Mediterranean and UNESCO