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/ Southern Africa

Broadening Stakeholder Engagement on IWRM in the Limpopo and Orange Senqu River Basins

As an implementing partner in delivering components of the GiZ Transboundary Water Resources Management Programme Phase III in SADC, GWP SA is supporting stakeholder and Capacity needs analysis in the Limpopo and Orange-Senqu River Basins. This exercise falls under Programme 6 – Stakeholder Participation, under the “Mainstreaming Climate Change into the Water Sector within the SADC Region”.

/ Southern Africa

GWP SA engages ORESECOM in preparation of SADC National Water Weeks

GWP SA attended the Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM) Communications Task Team (CTT) which met on the 19 November 2013. The meeting provided an opportunity for GWP SA to give an update on the ‘Mainstreaming Climate Change into the Water Sector in the SADC region’ project. The Climate Change Mainstreaming in the SADC Water Sector’ project aims to strengthen national stakeholder platforms for effective decision-making in Water Resource Management & Development, by providing training in national forums by targeting stakeholders and providing national consultations on basin wide issues (such as the development of the ORASECOM IWRM Plan).

/ Southern Africa

GWP SA at the 14th WaterNet Symposium

GWP SA is a collaborating partner of the WaterNet/ WARFSA/ GWP SA Symposium. The 14th WaterNet Symposium was held on 30th October to 1st November 2013 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The theme of this year’s WaterNet Symposium was “Transboundary Water Cooperation: Building Partnerships”.

/ Southern Africa

Toward Uptake and Use in Research for Development

The Coordination and Change project of the Limpopo Basin Development Challenge (LBDC), under the leadership of FANRPAN, GWP SA and WaterNet, is organizing a one and a half day workshop on 21-22 October 2013 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

/ Southern Africa

Unpacking the water, food and energy nexus

The sixth SADC Multi-Stakeholder Water Dialogue was held on 1-2 October 2013 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka, Zambia. The dialogue was sponsored by DANIDA and other cooperating partners (German Cooperation, Australian Aid, UK Aid).

/ Southern Africa

WACDEP Zimbabwe contributes to NCCRS review process

WACDEP Zimbabwe held a Catchments and Sub-Catchments Consultation and Action Planning Workshop from 12-13 September 2013, in Kadoma, about 140km south-west of Harare. The workshop with the aim of contributing towards the review and submission of written comments for the first draft of the National Climate Change Response Strategy for Zimbabwe (NCCRS) attracted over 65 participants (chairpersons from some of the 47 Sub-catchment and 7 Catchments in Zimbabwe, and officials from MWRDM and Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA). Read more

/ Global, Southern Africa

WACDEP Zimbabwe Empowers Water Resources Management Grassroots Stakeholders to contribute into the NCCRS review process

“Water is life, but water can also be a threat to life”. This was said by the Permanent Secretary in the former Ministry of Water Resources Development and Management (MWRDM) in a keynote speech read on his behalf at a Catchment and Sub-catchment consultation and action planning workshop. He further highlighted that water resources in Zimbabwe need to be treated with extreme care due to increased scarcity being brought about by the adverse effects of climate change.

/ Southern Africa

Botswana Youth Heard on GWP Youth Strategy

GWP held a consultation in Gaborone, Botswana on July 20th 2013, where 20 young people met to discuss the development of the GWP Youth Strategy.

/ Southern Africa

Building a more effective regional network - GWP SA holds 10th Consulting Partners (CP) Meeting

The GWP SA Consulting Partner’s (CP) meeting was held in Harare, Zimbabwe from 12-14 June 2013. The Consulting Partners Meeting is held every two years with the aim of engaging partners in discussions relating to network strengthening. Comprising a total of fifty participants, The CP meeting constituted GWPSA staff, 2 representatives from GWPSA’s Country Water Partnerships (CWPs), namely from ten countries: Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe; Members from GWPSA Steering Committee, and Regional Technical Committee; and representatives from GWPSA’s implementing partners were present on behalf of their agencies. These included CAPNET, and Chemonics and the Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility (CRIDF).