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/ West Africa

IDMP pilot action beneficiaries in Niger satisfied

The Integrated Drought Management Project (IDMP) manager, Ms Félicité Vodounhessi made a follow up mission in Niger where she visited the Torodi pilot project beneficiaries. This project involves the development of the irrigated crop site for the women in the village of Kankantouti.
/ West Africa

Annual Report 2016

The annual report recaps major achievements of GWP West Africa during the year 2016. It highlights main results and gives trends for the next steps on activities, programmes, projects and initiatives.
/ West Africa

Mali, mobilising partners for WACDEP 2

Mali has validated its project document for the second phase of the Water Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP 2) at the end of 2016.
/ Mediterranean

Drin Day 2017

Strong connection between people and nature- crucial for joint management of river Drin Basin