Recently, Chile's General Directorate of Water (DGA) has showed a keen interest in ensuring an integrated approach to water management, reflected in its 2005 document IWRM and Several Experiences of Organisations of Water Users and the most recent 2011 report: Chile – Diagnosis of Water Resources Management.
GWP Central America signed an agreement with the National Water Authority of Nicaragua (Autoridad Nacional del Agua - ANA) to help prepare guidelines for basin management plans. The agreement, signed October 14, 2011, is a contribution to the implementation of the Water Law approved in 2007.
The close nexus between water and energy, and the importance of policies integrating both sectors, were highlighted during multidisciplinary discussions leading to a preliminary evaluation of the state of water-related policies on adaptation to climate change throughout South America.
Provincial water directors at the “First National Workshop on the Economic Value of Water” in November 2010 agreed to promote the development of a legal framework incorporating elements of IWRM and water financing. GWP Argentina made a major contribution to the workshop by developing the agenda and drafting the framework and content for the discussion groups.
Media is often a critical link between policymakers and the public. The media focus on environmental issues is increasing, especially in light of the global interest in climate change. This is why GWP regularly organizes awareness-raising workshops for journalists. GWP South America and GWP Caribbean recently organised workshops as a first step to creating journalist networks for knowledge sharing in water resources management.
The Consejo Hídrico Federal (COHIFE) delegate, one of the participants in a regional meeting on finance in the water sector held in March 2009, was instrumental in arranging for a workshop on the issue in Argentina in November 2010.
An interregional workshop on “Women and Water Management” was held in Guatemala in October, organised by UNESCO and supported by GWP Guatemala, GWP Central America and GWP South America. (Photo: Participants at the workshop)
A group promoting an Integrated Water Resources Management Plan in the Ocoña River basin in Peru has been formed with the support of GWP Peru and other public and private organizations, seeking direct involvement of all stakeholders in the basin.
Melting glaciers and mining operations are just two of the challenges facing the Ocoña River Basin. GWP Peru and partner, the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), have worked unremittingly since 2003 to put the foundations for IWRM in place in the basin.
In April 2010, GWP Chile became an accredited Country Water Partnership.