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/ Global, South Asia

Gender Equality – Let’s Talk Accountability

In our series of inter-regional discussions on gender equality and social inclusion, GWP’s Liza Debevec invited GWP South Asia’s Lal Induruwage, and Ashish Barua of the Swiss development organisation Helvetas, to talk about meaningful and inclusive participation in decision-making and partnerships. This is something both their countries – Sri Lanka and Bangladesh – have made great progress on in policies. However, they both agree that gaps still exist between policies and reality on the ground. One of the big challenges is lack of accountability.
/ South Asia

GWP South Asia 8th General Assembly

GWP South Asia 8th General Assembly and Partners Forum “Bringing the Change” is scheduled for Monday, 7 December 2020.
/ Central Asia and Caucasus, China, South Asia, Southeast Asia

Result from the Asia Online Regional Workshop Supporting the Monitoring and Implementation of the SDG indicator 6.5.2 on Transboundary Water Cooperation

The Asia Region Online Workshop Supporting the Monitoring and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.5.2 on Transboundary Water Cooperation was successfully held virtually on 17 September 2020. GWP is one of the partners behind the workshop along with UN-ESCAP, UNESCO-IHP, and UNECE.
/ Central Asia and Caucasus, South Asia, Southeast Asia

The High-Level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) – Global Water Partnership (GWP) PAN ASIA Consultation Meeting: Draft Principles on Addressing Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) During Covid-19 Pandemic

August 4 -- The High-Level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) was established to assist the international community, governments, and stakeholders in mobilizing political will and resources. HELP is committed to addressing water-related disaster risk reduction including the present challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances in hand. The consultation meeting was held to discuss and gain insights on how to practically implement key suggestions proposed in the HELP Principle to Address Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction under Covid-19 Pandemic. The consultation also aims exchanges among decision-makers, experts and practitioners in Asia region on how they can be better prepared for co-occurring disasters on water and health.
/ South Asia

GWP South Asia Chair Passes

GWP South Asia’s Regional Chair Dr. Khondaker Azharul Haq passed away on June 27, 2020. Dr. Haq was the South Asia Chair since January 2019.
/ South Asia

GWP response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting societies and economies of countries at their core at different levels. It will most likely increase poverty and inequalities in South Asia, making achievement of SDGs even more urgent.