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/ Mediterranean

Adoption of Strategy waits for political resolution

With the technical and administrative support of GWP Mediterranean in the framework of MED-EUWI, the Water Expert Group of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) put the draft Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean before the UfM Ministerial Conference on Water in April 2010.

/ Mediterranean

Consultations on finance and water support Mediterranean water strategy

Experiences and recommendations from an Expert Consultation Workshop on Finance and Water in North Africa and the Wider Mediterranean Region held in February 2010, in Madrid, were fed into the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean (SWM) process.

/ Mediterranean

Pioneering consultations on Lebanese Water Plan

The review of the Lebanese National 2000–2009 Water Plan is being done through a ground-breaking multi-stakeholder consultation. Dialogues are leading to cooperation among Lebanese stakeholders in developing a National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan for the next ten years.

/ Mediterranean

Contributing to IWRM and WSS plans in Lebanon and Egypt

During 2008, GWP Mediterranean (GWP-Med) helped Egypt and Lebanon with their water supply and sanitation (WSS) and IWRM planning respectively. The assistance was provided within the framework of the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative (MED EUWI), through country dialogues on water, and with support of the MEDA Water Programme of the European Commission and Greece that leads MED EUWI.