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/ Southern Africa

Evaluating IWRM in Southern Africa

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat is implementing the SADC Regional Strategic Action Plan on IWRM – III (SADC RSAP III) which is designed to provide a programmatic approach to facilitate the implementation of the Protocol on Shared Watercourses through the application of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). GWP Southern Africa is an implementing partner for SADC providing programmatic support to the implementation of the RSAP III and is providing support to increasing engagement of stakeholders within the Phase III of the Transboundary Water Resources Management Programme.

/ Southern Africa

Funding secured for climate change adaptation in southern Africa

In 2012, GWP Southern Africa secured 1.3 million from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) through the harmonised donor fund for transboundary water management to implement a project mainstreaming climate change in the SADC water sector. 

/ Southern Africa

Funding secured for climate change adaptation in southern Africa

In 2012, GWP Southern Africa secured 1.3 million from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) through the harmonised donor fund for transboundary water management to implement a project mainstreaming climate change in the SADC water sector. 

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Mediterranean, Southern Africa, West Africa

Africa Launches Response to Climate Change Threat to Water Security

Launching of a Strategic Framework at Africa Water Week 2012

In an effort to address the twin challenges of water security and climate change, the African Ministers Council on Water launched The Strategic Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development on May 14, 2012, at the Africa Water Week, in Cairo, Egypt.

(Photo: Honorable S.S. Nkomo, Vice President of the African Minsters Council on Water, and Minister of Water Resources and Development, Zimbabwe and GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki)
/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Mediterranean, Southern Africa, West Africa

Africa Develops Response to Climate Change Threat to Water Security

Launching of a Strategic Framework at Africa Water Week 2012

In an effort to address the twin challenges of water security and climate change, the African Ministers Council on Water launched The Strategic Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development on May 14, 2012, at the Africa Water Week, in Cairo, Egypt.

(Photo: Honorable S.S. Nkomo, Vice President of the African Minsters Council on Water, and Minister of Water Resources and Development, Zimbabwe and GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki)
/ Southern Africa

Climate change adaptation strategy for the SADC water sector launched

Developed by the Southern African Development Community (SADC), a climate change adaptation strategy for the water sector was officially launched at COP 17 in December 2011 in Durban, South Africa. It effectively sees SADC take up the challenge of responding to the threat of climate change in southern Africa.