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/ Central America, Global

IWRM Best Practices Featured in Central American Meeting

GWP Central America held its annual General Assembly in Costa Rica on April 1, with the participation of 40 partner organisations. The activity was organised as a parallel event during the Latin American Sanitation Conference (LATINOSAN 2019), to integrate partners in the sanitation discussions carried out during the conference.
/ Global

Now Available: GWP in Action 2018

GWP presents highlights from activities carried out throughout the network in its Annual Report for 2018. The full report is available to be read online or downloaded.
/ Southern Africa

SADC-EU WEF Nexus Workshop

The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) has been supporting the European Union (EU) -supported Southern African Development Community (SADC) 'Water-Energy-Food ' (WEF) nexus project since July 2017. The two expected results of the project are to establish a SADC Regional WEF Nexus Framework; and develop a prioritised list of Nexus Investment Projects. To realise the result areas, the SADC member states workshop on WEF Nexus was held on the 25th March 2018, bringing together over 150 delegates from all SADC countries.
/ Southern Africa

AUDA-NEPAD Engages stakeholders on the PIDA Water Programme

The African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD – formerly the NEPAD Coordination Agency), in collaboration with COMESA, AMCOW, AfDB, GWP Africa, and with support from GIZ, convened a PIDA Water Programme Stakeholders’ Workshop in Lusaka, Zambia from 24 to 26 April 2019.
/ Southern Africa

SADC convenes Gender Clinic on Project Preparation and Financing

On 25 March 2019, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) convened a Gender Mainstreaming in the Water Sector Project Preparation and Financing Clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa. The workshop, organised with support from the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA), brought together financiers, project developers/promoters, project implementers, gender focal points and gender machinery from the 16 SADC countries to discuss practical issues with regards to gender mainstreaming during project preparation and mobilising financing processes.
/ Mediterranean

Launch of the GEMWET Project

The celebration of World Wetlands Day (WWD) on February 13th, 2019, marked the launch of GEMWET, a MAVA foundation funded project aiming to the conservation and sustainable development of high ecological value of the lagoon of Ghar El Melh in the Governorate of Bizerte in the North of Tunisia.