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/ Mediterranean

GWP-Med signs MoU with the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources & Fishery to advance ongoing & future collaboration

Building on their long-lasting cooperation, the Global Water Partnership Mediterranean (GWP-Med) and the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources & Fishery (MARHP) signed a framework MoU to promote and facilitate the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) with a strengthened participation of water stakeholders in Tunisia, both at local level, national and transboundary level.
/ Southern Africa

21 African countries gather to exchange lessons and build capacity on water project preparation for increased climate resilience

A three-day workshop responding to African country needs and expressed demand for support to strengthen capacity of National Designated Authorities (NDAs), Direct Access Entities (DAEs), and Water Ministries to prepare climate resilient and resilience-building water security projects that may access Green Climate Fund (GCF) financing started yesterday at the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) in Johannesburg, South Africa.
/ Southern Africa

21 African countries gather to exchange lessons and build capacity on water project preparation for increased climate resilience

A three-day workshop responding to African country needs and expressed demand for support to strengthen capacity of National Designated Authorities (NDAs), Direct Access Entities (DAEs), and Water Ministries to prepare climate resilient and resilience-building water security projects that may access Green Climate Fund (GCF) financing started yesterday at the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) in Johannesburg, South Africa.
/ Global

Increasing the Impact of GWP’s Knowledge Resources

GWP is evaluating the role of knowledge within its Technical Committee (TEC). Selected forward thinkers and headquarter staff gathered for a 2-day collaborative workshop in Athens, Greece, on 4-5 September, to explore how GWP can access and apply the knowledge of the network. The big question was: How can we increase impact as well as stakeholder and user benefit? Ahead of the workshop, TEC Chair Jerome Delli Priscoli shared his thoughts on where TEC is going.
/ Global

GWP Speaks to Range of Issues at 2018 World Water Week

GWP representatives from global, regional, and country level took part in 27 different public sessions at this year’s World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, 26-31 August. Sessions covered a full range of topics, such as Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), ecosystems, urban, migration, drought, financing, transboundary, youth, etc. The GWP booth also had themes every day of the week, which included capturing the voices of the visitors, and networking.
/ West Africa

Focusing youth: diving the Young professionals into GWP WA work

After their recruitment as Technical Assistants, the two Young Professionals started the six-month internship on Monday 16th July 2018. The following day, they had an exchange session with the GWP-WA staff in order to get them to know the GWP network better and be familiar with the ongoing and planned actions and projects at regional and country levels.