Os governos de Moçambique e do Zimbabué registaram progressos notáveis na construção de resiliência contra os choques climáticos, incluindo cheias e secas nas Bacias dos Rios Búzi, Pungoé e Save (BUPUSA), partilhadas exclusivamente pelos dois países.
The governments of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have recorded remarkable progress in building resilience against climate shocks, including floods and drought in the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save River Basins (BUPUSA), shared exclusively by the two countries.
The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa, GWPSA, is providing technical support toward the development of 8 national funding concept notes, 3 transboundary projects, and 2 multi-country funding proposals aimed at accelerating WEF investments in the region.
At the recent High-Level Forum for Ministers with responsibility for Water (HLF-Water) held in Guyana, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank provided feedback to Ministers and heads of utilities on progress towards establishing the Caribbean Water Utilities Insurance Collective (CWUIC). So what is this about?
The Global Water Leadership Programme (GWL) in Tanzania has brought together a range of the country’s sectors to forge a united front against water insecurity through regular dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders.
The Government of Eswatini is engaging national stakeholders on financing strategies for the 15 prioritized water-related climate technologies in the country.