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/ Global

Water: the Connecting Link to Climate Change Adaptation

“An integrated approach to managing and developing the world’s water resources is vital for not only driving world economies, ensuring human well-being and security from hunger, but can also serve as an essential building block for enhancing coherence on adaptation,” said Dr. Ursula Schaefer-Preuss, Chair of GWP at a side event at the Bonn climate change negotiations. “Water is the connecting link because climate impacts are largely felt through the medium of water,” she said.

/ Caribbean, Global

Caribbean Lecturers Learn about Using Toolbox in Education

Over twenty lecturers and researchers from universities across the Caribbean will meet in Barbados at The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus for the first-ever Integrated Water Resources Management Knowledge Management Workshop to be held in the region on 5-6 June 2013.

/ Global, Southern Africa

Water Security and Climate Change Resilience in Zimbabwe

Building Linkages for Water Security and Climate Change Resilience in Zimbabwe

Key government institutions such as the Department of Water Affairs, including its parent Ministry, the Ministry of Water Resource Development and Management (MWRDM), played prominent roles at the launch of the Water and Climate Development Programme (WACDEP)in Harare, Zimbabwe, on the 10-11 April 2013, with over 70 stakeholders gathered.

/ Global

GWP Launches Rapid Assessment of Capacity Building Needs

As a key step in the overall process of implementing the Water and Climate Development Programme (WACDEP), a rapid capacity needs assessment in Africa was launched on Tuesday, 23 April 2013. The assessment will initially target eight countries and five river basins/aquifer systems currently implementing WACDEP: Burundi, Rwanda, Burkina-Faso, Ghana, Cameroon, Tunisia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique; Limpompo Basin, Kegera Basin, Lake Chad Volta Basin and the North Western Sahara Aquifer System.

/ Global, Southern Africa

Water, Climate and Development Programme launched in Zimbabwe

The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) in partnership with the Ministry of Water Resources Development and Management (MWRDM), today launches the Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) for Africa in Zimbabwe.
The launch, which is in the form of an Inception Workshop is being held on 10 and 11th April 2013 at the Holiday Inn, Harare, Zimbabwe.

/ Global

Integrating water and climate in development focus of Technical Workshop

A major impetus has been given to the Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) for Africa at a wide-ranging Technical Coordination Workshop held in Pretoria, South Africa, January 28 to February 1, 2013. Participants from the eight implementing countries and seven key partner agencies shared achievements to date, lessons learned, and challenges to come in implementing the Programme.

/ Global

WACDEP 4th Technical Coordination Workshop

Global Water Partnership – Southern Africa (GWP-SA) will be hosting the 4th Water, Climate and Development Programme for Africa (WACDEP) Technical Coordination Workshop. The workshop will be held in Pretoria, South Africa from January 28-01 February 2013.