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/ West Africa

Final meeting of the IDMP first phase

The meeting was held in Léo, Burkina Faso from 19 to 22 December 2017 to draw lessons from the implementation of the first phase (2015-2017) and plan for the second phase focus activities. Main regional partners (VBA, Ministry of Environment of Burkina, ECOWAS/WRCC, CILSS/AGRHYMET, IUCN, WASCAL, SOS Sahel International, WAEMU, 2IE, University of Ouaga 2, CWP Burkina Faso, CWP Mali and CWP Niger) gathered to make a participatory self-assessment of the implementation of the Integrated Drought Management Project in West Africa.
/ West Africa

Guinea, bodies finally renewed - new leadership to boost the CWP hopefully

After many years of hesitation, the Country Water Partnership of Guinea held its third partners’ meeting on December 14 in Conakry. The so awaited meeting gathered about sixty (60) representatives of partner organizations in the country and presided by the technical advisor to the Guinean Minister of Energy and Water, Mr. Ismael DIA.
/ West Africa

Benin, new leadership for the CWP

The Country Water Partnership of Benin (CWP Benin) held a two- day partners’ meeting to review statutory texts and renew its organs. The event took place on 14 and 15 December 2017 in Cotonou.
/ West Africa

#TonFuturTonClimat kick-off meeting of the initiative in Ouagadougou

The TonFuturTonClimat initiative is the result of a GWP-WA and the International Secretariat of Water (ISW) response to the November 2016 call of proposal of the International Climate Cooperation Program (ICCP) funded by the Government of Quebec's Green Fund. The ICCP aims to contribute to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change (CC) in the most vulnerable French-speaking countries.
/ West Africa

Meeting the new regional TEC chair

The September Assembly of Partners has renewed the organs by designed a new chair for GWP WA, a new executive secretary and also a new chair for regional technical committee. The two first had already met the staff and the turn was to the new RTEC chair, Dr. BARRY Boubacar on 18 November 2017.
/ West Africa

Official handover ceremony at the regional secretariat

Dam MOGBANTE, outgoing regional coordinator of GWP West Africa has official handed over to the new coordinator, Armand HOUANYE during a ceremony in GWP WA premises in Ouagadougou on 20 November 2017. Many GWP regional partners including the Volta Basin Authority, CILSS, IUCN, CWP Burkina, ECOWAS/WRCC, GWP regional TEC chair, Steering committee members attended the ceremony.
/ West Africa

IDMP Burkina Faso: guided visit to the demonstration site in KOMKI IPALA

The guided tour took place on Thursday, November 02, 2017 on the demonstration site of the “Multifunctional agro-forestry park” in Komki Ipala. The aim was to make the IDM platform core group discover the system of defense and allow the group to observe results obtained (performance, efficiency, etc.) using this system.