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/ West Africa

Express Bios of young professionals

Mr. Cheick Aboubacar BAMBARA and Boyla BASSOUROU are both nationals of Burkina Faso who joined GWP WA Secretariat in July 2018. They will support GWP - WA in the development and management of ongoing actions, programmes and projects in West Africa at the regional level and in some countries if relevant.
/ Mediterranean

GWP-Med during the World Water Week 2018 – Session on the benefits for ecosystems and wetlands through the Nexus

The World Water Week, held every year in Stockholm, is considered the major global annual event dedicated to water issues. More than 1200 speakers and presenters together with hundreds of participants more, will take part in its almost 300 sessions. The theme of this year’s Week (26-31 August) is “Water, Ecosystems and Human Development”. As in previous years, GWP-Med serves as the overall coordinator for the “MENA Focus” sessions dedicated to water-related issues in the Middle East & North Africa Region.
/ Southern Africa

Lesotho Reviewing Water Legislation

Lesotho Water Partnership worked with the Ministry of Water Affairs to develop a white paper on Lesotho Water Legislation.
/ Southern Africa

Zambezi Basin Stakeholders Forum to be held in Malawi

The Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) in collaboration with its partners, will hold this year’s annual Zambezi Basin-wide Stakeholders Forum from 8-9 October in Lilongwe, Malawi. The Basin-wide Stakeholders Forum brings together those with an interest in the Zambezi River Basin to share information and experiences around a selected theme.
/ Southern Africa

Zimbabwe’s Marondera developing Integrated Water and Wastewater Master Plan

Several partners among which the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate of Zimbabwe and the Municipality of Marondera have come together to help Zimbabwe develop an Integrated Water and Wastewater Master Plan that will, in part, present detailed prioritized investments for the municipality of Marondera, financed by the African Water Facility. This project will also build the capacity of the key sector players, which will in the long term foster an integrated approach in managing the water and sanitation facilities in the country.
/ Southern Africa

Africa Water Investment Program(AIP) to support PIDA Water

Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) have established a project to support implementation of PIDA water priority transboundary and hydropower projects.
/ West Africa

Benin Parliament votes Law on climate change regulation

Benin has taken an important step in its efforts to prevent, protect and manage the consequences of climate change that could affect the population in the short, medium and long term. Benin's National Assembly adopted the country's national legislation on 18 June 2018 to: (i) combat climate change and its negative effects and consequences and increase the resilience of living communities (ii) support effective response, adaptation and mitigation measures by setting specific targets for sustainable economic and social development, security and energy efficiency, in accordance with the specific provisions of national and international legal instruments on climate change.
/ West Africa

Regional Programme on Youth Employability GWP to partner for synergy and impact

GWP/WA in collaboration with its partners IUCN, VBA, Eau Vive Internationale and IRC has started coaching young professionals through its regional programme for the employability of young people in jobs related to water security and climate resilience, which is implemented through the Integrated Drought Management Project in West Africa (IDMP-WA), #TonFuturTonClimat initiative, the Nexus & Food and Nutritional Security Programme and the Water Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP).
/ West Africa

NEXUS, GWP WA to collaborate with NBA GIZ support project

The NBA GIZ Nexus support project organized in Niamey a regional workshop on the consultation and awareness-raising on the intersectoral aspects (nexus) of the operational plan of the NBA on 19 and 20 June 2018. GWP WA took part in the meeting in view of exchanging meeting participants and the project manager of the GIZ Support Project for the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) who is also the NEXUS (Water-Energy-Food Security) Global Dialogues Representative in the Niger Basin.