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/ Mediterranean

Celebratory Closing Conference of two UfM Regional Water Projects: Focus on Sustainable Financing and Integrity for Water Security in the MENA/Mediterranean

More than 140 decision makers and representatives of government, civil society, international organisations, donors, financing institutions, and the private and banking sector, came together for 3 days sharing experiences and discussing needs, challenges and next steps during the “Conference on Water Governance in MENA and wider Mediterranean region” that was held in Barcelona, on 12-14 December. The Regional Conference was organised under the auspices of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), by two UfM-labelled projects supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), namely the Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector project led by GWP-Med, and the Regional Water Integrity Capacity Building Programme in MENA, led by SIWI UNDP Water Governance Facility. The Conference was organised in close and strategic synergy with the EU-funded Sustainable Water Integrated Management and Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism (SWIM-H2020 SM) regional project.
/ Southeast Asia

GWP SEA in Action Initial Development of Collaboration Between GWP Southeast Asia and Lancang-Mekong Water Cooperation Centre (LMWRCC)

Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism was proposed by Chinese Primer Likeqiang ni the 17th China-ASEAN Leaders’ meeting held in November of 2015, which aims to strengthen all-round and friendly cooperation among China and Mekong countries and promote regional overall development. The First Lancang-Mekong (LMC) Foreign Ministers Meeting held in Jinghong, Yunnan Province of China in November of 2015 formally announced the establishment of the LMC Mechanism.
/ Southeast Asia

The 3RD Asia-Pacific Water Summit (APWS) Strengthens Multi-Stakeholders Approach To Achieve Water Secure World

Water is the interconnector of all other sectors; Therefore, it is not possible to support sectors development without understanding the role of water as one of the important development foundation. As important as it is, water is still considered as social goods and do not have value by development actors. This condition has created a very complex challenge for the development of water sector itself. In Asia Pacific region, the complexities of water challenges then urged the establishment of The Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF) in Asia Pacific region.
/ Southern Africa

Africa HLPW members and GWP to implement HLPW legacy Initiative

Three African countries on the High Level Panel on Water (HLPW)-South Africa, Mauritius, in collaboration with Senegal; with support from Global Water Partnership and its partners, will implement an Africa legacy initiative as a follow up on the recommendations and outcomes of the HLPW.
/ Mediterranean

Wide participation exchanging views on environment and water in the Mediterranean

More than 100 Members of Parliament, media and representatives of civil society working on environment and water issues got together from 22-24 November 2017, in Nicosia, to get informed, exchange views and provide suggestions on key Mediterranean processes on environment and water in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participants originated from Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia along with the members of the United Nations Environment, UNESCO, UNECE, the Union for Mediterranean (UfM) and League of Arab States (LAS).
/ Southern Africa

Partnerships key to delivering GWP’S 2020 Strategy

Establishing strong partnerships is key to delivering GWP strategy and the implementation of programmes, says Mr Alex Simalabwi Global Water Partnership Southern Africa Executive Secretary and Head Africa Coordination Unit.
/ Southeast Asia

Water, and Climate Development Program (WACDEP) Regional Workshop Official Press Release

Bangkok, Thailand (12/8/2017). Southeast Asia is particularly vulnerable to climate change for several reasons. First and foremost, in many of these countries large portions of the population live in poverty. The proportion of the population living below the poverty line ranges from the lowest in Thailand at 10.2% to 53% in Lao PDR (ADB 2008). The poor are particularly vulnerable to climate change, as they lack the resources necessary for many types of adaptive actions. With its extensive coastlines, Southeast Asia is also home to many millions of people living at low elevations that are at risk from sea level rise. Moreover, ongoing social and environmental challenges in the region – notably growing income inequality, rising food prices, and widespread deforestation – contribute to social vulnerability and make climate change more likely to bring significant harms.
/ Southern Africa

UNICEF, GWP Global collaborate to support climate resilience and WASH in Madagascar

Global Water Partnership (GWP) Africa undertook an inception mission in Madagascar to support the design of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) work on Climate resilience mainstreaming into the water sector and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services in the country aligning it to the country National Adaptation Planning process.