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GWP appoints new Chair

The Global Water Partnership’s (GWP) Sponsoring Partners have selected Mr. Pablo Bereciartua, President of the Argentinean Engineering Centre (Centro Argentino de Ingenieros – CAI), as Chair of GWP. The appointment is effective July 1, 2022. Bereciartua currently serves as a member of the GWP Steering Committee.
/ Global

GWP brings IWRM and climate change to Dushanbe Conference

“Integrated water resources management says it all. We have to talk about the inter-dependencies of water. Water is life, we say, and it really connects to everything … If water is connected to everything, we have to act on that, but we shy away from the real understanding of what water means … either because of its complexity … or because it is connected to past practices and vested interests.”
/ Global

Transboundary water knowledge community launched

GWP Executive Secretary Dario Soto Abril announced the official launch of the “Transboundary water knowledge exchange hub” during the GWP Network Meeting on 25 May 2022.