"Young people are a very important force for both sustainable development and rational management of water resources. In the West African sub-region, this force is very under-used. GWP is therefore working with organisations at regional and sub-regional levels as well as youth movements to make their voices heard so that they are more involved and sustained in the decision-making processes of the water sector, in the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, of the SDG #6 in the West African region. Young people are the successors of tomorrow, and nothing can or should be done without them”.
The populations of the Volta Basin are vulnerable to the risks of floods and droughts, which cause a lot of damage every year. In response to the annual threats and to enable countries to have the technical capacity to cope, the Volta Flood and Drought Management (VFDM) project entitled ''Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin'' has set up a training programme from June 2019 to mid-2024.
The Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA) has supported the Commission of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) and the Secretariat of the Convention for the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, provided by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), in promoting the process of accession, ratification and implementation of the Conventions on shared surface and groundwater in the UEMOA region.
The closing workshop of phase 2 of the TonFuturTonClimat project in Benin was held on 28 March 2023 in Tanguiéta.
The country project "Mobilisation of youth associations for a better management of water resources in the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in the Pendjari basin" aimed at improving the sustainable management of natural and related resources in the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in the Pendjari sub-basin through a strong involvement of youth.
From 20 to 24 March 2023, the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) in collaboration with its regional implementing partners, the Mono Basin Authority and the Global Water Partnership West Africa, organised visits and consultation meetings in the project areas in the two countries concerned (Togo and Benin).
The Sahel region in West Africa is confronted with a rampant terrorism for a decade and continues to bereave nations and families. The inability to cope with the situation has even led to the overthrow of the governments in Mali and Burkina. These two countries are the centre of the terrorist hydra in the Sahel.
The Water Museum of Burkina Faso in Moutili near the capital city Ouagadougou marked the event with a mobilisation of local communities through various recreational and awareness-raising activities. Several schools of Loumbila and Saaba, the women's group of Moutili mobilized to offer a pleasant and inspired show, rich in sequences.
GWP-WA together the VBA and WMO started an online training targeting experts in the six Volta Basin countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali and Togo). The distance learning course ''Dissemination, Decision Support and Response to Flood and Drought Early Warning'' takes place over a period of 6 weeks from March 13 to April 21, 2023. The online course is structured around 4 modules.
The CWP Burkina organized on March 1st, 2023 an awareness campaign for the pupils of the rural commune of Komki Ipala on the importance of the three fights in Burkina Faso and the good hygiene practices in order to catalyze the changes of behaviour. Three (03) sensitisation sites including Komki A school, Komki B school and Tintilou C school were selected.