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/ West Africa

Annual Report 2016

The annual report recaps major achievements of GWP West Africa during the year 2016. It highlights main results and gives trends for the next steps on activities, programmes, projects and initiatives.
/ West Africa

National WASH day in Benin

Benin celebrated the 10th anniversary of its national WASH day on April 15, 2017 in Goho in Abomey under the theme of “Hygiene and sanitation guarantee for preventing transmissible diseases. The CWP took part in the celebrations by providing hand washing tools.
/ West Africa

Mali, mobilising partners for WACDEP 2

Mali has validated its project document for the second phase of the Water Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP 2) at the end of 2016.
/ West Africa

GWP Niegria organizes meetings

GWP Nigeria held a meeting on April 6, attended by a member of the BOT, Steering Committee and TEC members.
/ West Africa

Mali, for the sustainable management of industrial waste

CWP Mali held on 11 and 12 April 2017 a workshop on the sustainable management of the industrial wate of Sotuba, a district in Bamako with many industries. The event was organized in collaboration with the national agency of cleaning stations of Mali under the patronage of the Minister of environment, sanitation and sustainable development represented by his General Secretary, Mr. Abdoulaye BERTHE.
/ Central America, Global

Central American Topics for World Water Forum 2018

GWP Central America is part of the organising committee for the sub-regional process leading up to the 8th World Water Forum, to be held in Brasilia, March 2018. In this capacity, GWP Central America, together with GWP Caribbean, held an online consultation to identify cross-cutting themes and topics that will be discussed at the Forum next year. The results were presented at the 2nd Stakeholders Consultation Meeting in Brasilia, on April 26-27.
/ Global

GWP Introduces Online Partner Search

The new GWP website was launched on 22 March. The new features at the launch were much-improved search functions for news, events, and knowledge. Now we are pleased to introduce one more search function – one of the most asked-for features: a new and improved GWP Partner Search.
/ Global

GWP Meets for Planning and Network Meeting

Staff from GWP’s 13 regions met for Regional Days in Stockholm, Sweden, on 9-12 May. The annual event is an opportunity to take stock of current and on-going matters in the network, and to plan for the year ahead. Coinciding with this, GWP’s Network Meeting was held, and broadcast live on Facebook.
/ Mediterranean

Drin Day 2017

Strong connection between people and nature- crucial for joint management of river Drin Basin