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/ Central and Eastern Europe

10 Years for Green Future – Youth Dialogues

One of the primary strategic goals of GWP is to engage youth in any way possible. The point is to give them a fighting chance for a water secure future. This year, we tried something new.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Danube Floodplain to Mitigate Climate Extremities - Press Release

Bucharest, 4 November 2021 - The Danube Floodplain project which was launched to examine how to reduce flood risk with the restoration of floodplains in the Danube River Basin comes to an end this November. The project partners presented the results of the project at a closing conference which was held online on 3-4 November 2021.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

The New Open Rivers Programme Launch

The Open Rivers Programme is launched today to support dam removal projects and restore thousands of km of rivers across Europe…