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/ Eastern Africa

GWP Organized a Training on Water Governance and International Water Law (IWL) in Entebbe, Uganda

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) together with the International Authority on Development (IGAD), the Water Hub, the Africa Network on Basin Organizations (ANBO), UNECE, Makerere University and other partners organized a regional training on Water Governance and International Water Law for Transboundary Water Management in Africa in Entebbe, Uganda from 25-27 June 2018
/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Celebrates International Women's Day 2018

8 March marks International Women’s Day. The global theme for this year is “Time is Now: Rural and urban activities transforming women’s lives”. To celebrate this important day and highlight the theme, GWPEA interviewed Mrs. Sarah Mawerere, Environmental reporter and gender activist from Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC)and asked her the following question: Time is now for quality in water access and management! How can activism empower #WaterWomen?
/ Eastern Africa

AFDB, AMCOW and GWP Organize a Regional Workshop in preparation for the 8th World Water Forum

The African Development Bank(AfDB), in its capacity as the chair of the Regional Process Commission of the 8th World Water Forum, African Ministerial Council on Water (AMCOW) as overall Africa Regional Process Coordinator, and Global Water Partnership (GWP) as Africa Regional Process Technical Coordinator for the 8th World Water Forum convened a regional workshop in Entebbe , Uganda on 18-19th January 2018 to consult and validate the African report in preparation of the 8th World Water Forum to be held in Brasilia, Brazil, from 18th to 23rd March 2018
/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Commitment to Actively Engage the Media Pays Off

Since 2013, GWPEA has been organizing annual regional media workshops aimed at building the capacity of media practitioners in IWRM and sensitizing them on their crucial role in covering water, climate and drought related topics.
/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Supported the Concept Development Workshop for Kenya Water National Adaptation Plan

GWP has been implementing the Water, Climate and Development Program for Africa (WACDEP) as part of the work plan of the African Union’s African Ministerial Council on Water (AMCOW). The First Phase of WACDEP has been implemented in 8 countries and 5 transboundary basins in Africa. AMCOW, during the Africa Water Week in July 2016 in Tanzania, endorsed WACDEP to be expanded to additional 10 countries. Kenya is one of the countries selected for the second phase of WACDEP. WACDEP in Kenya is being implemented to support emerging priorities of the country on climate change, financing, sustainable development goals and investment preparation. It will be linked to the National Adaptation Planning (NAP) Process, particularly focusing on Water.