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/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Global, Mediterranean, Southern Africa

International High-Level Panel launched to mobilise Water Investments in Africa

An International High-Level Panel on Water Investments for Africa, which draws representatives from current and former Heads of State as well as other global leaders, has been launched at the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal.
/ Mediterranean

International Women's Day: "Male Voices on Gender Equality"

With the advent of International Women’s Day 2022, GWP-Med is presenting the “Male Voices on Gender Equality”. Aiming to highlight the male perspective on gender, we asked seven of our male partners from the Mediterranean the following question: "Why is it essential to empower women in water cooperation settings?"
/ Mediterranean

The secret to effective stakeholder engagement for applied Nexus solutions

Why is stakeholder engagement a crucial ingredient for the success of Horizon projects, and in particular those that focus on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus? What is the secret to ‘getting it right’? And what are some common myths and pitfalls to be avoided? We hear from ICatalist, a consultancy specialized in climate change adaptation and sustainability,and REXUS partner leading the Work Package on Learning and Action Alliances. Interviewed by Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean, REXUS communication and dissemination leader.