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/ Global

GWP Commits to 2030 Agenda Implementation

Global Water Partnership (GWP) celebrates 20th anniversary at a time when the global development agenda is at a turning point. Following the recently adopted 2030 Agenda in 2015, a new animation video has been released to show GWP’s response to the world’s water challenges: partnership and cross-sector collaboration are key.
/ Central and Eastern Europe, Mediterranean

Focus on waste water management innovation

Since December 2015, Global Water Partnership in Central and Eastern Europe develops a project proposal that aims to shift existing water paradigm by an innovative wastewater management in the rural areas.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

International Women’s Day 2016

On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8 March), Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe has interviewed women in the water community across the Network on their journey to become successful in their professions, how to overcome obstacles they face as women, and also recommendations to other women. 

/ Central Asia and Caucasus

International Women’s Day 8 March

On the eve of International Women's Day March 8 GWP CACENA has interviewed women successfully working in the water sector in CACENA region to know  how to overcome obstacles they face as women, and also what they would like to recommend to other women.

/ Mediterranean

Four-day Workshop for Operational Staff in the MENA Region concretises Water Integrity action plans

The 2nd Regional Alumni Workshop of the ‘Water Integrity Capacity Building Programme for the MENA Region’ was organised by GWP-Med (8-11 February 2016, Dead Sea, Jordan). Regional alumni workshops aim to lead to the creation of a regional community of practice on water integrity and foster water integrity ambassadors, reinforcing the enabling environment and building synergies in the target countries and the MENA Region at large. The first Regional Alumni Workshop (November 2015, Tunis, Tunisia) targeted alumni from the national civil society workshops, whereas this second one targeted operational/mid-level management staff.  

/ Global

New GWP Web Shop Open

For its 20th Anniversary, GWP has developed a new web shop that contains GWP’s global publications. This is a gift to all GWP Partners and anyone seeking information on various water issues. The shop is open and available here – everything is free of charge.

/ Global

Jacques Rey on GWP: Making Meaningful Connections

If you are part of the GWP network, chances are that you have met GWP Head of Network Operations, Jacques Rey. He is coordinating GWP programmes in the global secretariat in Stockholm, and has been involved from the beginning of GWP, way back in 1996. Here he reflects on his history with the network.