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/ Caribbean

Caribbean Water Ministers Agree to Dedicate Efforts to Strengthen the Sector

The Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) and the United Nations Environment Programme Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (UNEP CAR/RCU) through the Global Environment Facility - funded Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (GEF CReW) Project hosted the 11th Annual High Level Forum (HLF) of Caribbean Ministers responsible for Water on August 27th and 28th, 2015 in Miami, Florida.

/ Central Africa

LCBC: For the implementation of IWRM for transboundary water resources management.

From the 7th to 10th September, 2015 was held in N’djamena, Chad a training workshop for staff and experts of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) on IWRM for transboundary water resources management.


Organized by the Department of Natural Resources Management of the LCBC in collaboration with GWP Central Africa (GWP CAf), the workshop brought together fifteen participants from the secretariat of the LCBC.


The objective was to strengthen their understanding of the IWRM concept and its principles, and also develop their capacity in using some specific IWRM planning tools with a special focus on development and management of transboundary water resources. It also aimed at ensuring a common understanding of the concepts, principles and planning process of IWRM among key staff of the LCBC secretariat.

/ Eastern Africa

Engaging Youth on IWRM and Climate Change

GWPEA in collaboration with CapNet and Uganda National Water and Sewage Corporation organized a five days training for Young Water Professionals on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Climate change

/ Caribbean

Press Release - Caribbean Water Experts to Meet in Miami

For the first time in its 24 year history, the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) will convene its Annual Conference and Exhibition in the mainland USA. It takes place at the InterContinental Hotel in downtown Miami from the 24th to 28th August 2015. The theme is “Improving the Quality of Life with Water and Waste Management Solutions.

/ Central Africa

ECCAS and GWP- CAf work together to develop hydro-meteorological regional strategy for Central Africa.

Within the context of the partnership ECCAS-GWP signed in December 2013, a meeting held in Libreville, Gabon from 29th to 31st of July 2015 brought together the two parties.

The meeting aimed at assessing the progress made in the process of developing a regional strategy and action plan for hydrological and meteorological services in Central Africa on the one hand and take stock of the process of the creation and operationalization of the Regional Solidarity Fund for Water following the submission of the final document to ECCAS for validation on the other hand.