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/ South Asia


This page contains reports produced under WACREP by GWP SAS Regional Office and its Country Officers.
/ Mediterranean

GWP-Med working towards Mainstreaming Climate Change in Water and Soil Conservation Planning in Tunisia

Aimed at integrating climate change considerations in water and soil conservation planning in Tunisia, the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) has established, in the framework of its WACDEP Programme (Water, Climate and Development Programme), a very beneficial collaboration with the Department for Planning and Conservation of Agricultural Lands at the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture and the Regional Department for Agriculture in Bizerte, in Tunisia’s North.

/ Mediterranean

Policy dialogue in Palestine: Key stakeholders endorsing action plan towards better water governance & financial sustainability

Some 40 key stakeholders from the government; private companies and banks; research institutes and Academia; media as well as the Civil Society discussed and contributed to the final draft of the Report ‘Governance in Palestine: Sector Reform to include Private Sector Participation’, during the Third Consultation Workshop of the Palestinian Water Policy Dialogue. The workshop was organised by the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med), within the Union for the Mediterranean project Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector and under the patronage of H.E. Mazen Ghuneim, Chairman of the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), in Ramallah, on 16 June 2015.
/ Eastern Africa

GWP Eastern Africa Organized a Regional Training on IWRM Tools for Reducing Drought Risk Management

The Global Water Partnership, Eastern Africa in partnership with the Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, the Nile IWRM-Net/ Cap-Net and Water and Land Resource for Ethiopian Country Water Partnership (WLRC) organized a Regional Training on Drought Risk Management and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 15-19 June 2015. 

/ Southern Africa

Infrastructure and Gender mainstreaming high on agenda during Malawi Water Week consultations

The Government of Malawi, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development assured that the Malawi government is working hard to address the challenges rocking the water sector in the country. Malawi hosted the SADC national week whose focus is on mainstreaming gender in water issues. The event was held from 13-15 May, 2015 at Crossroads Hotel, Lilongwe. The SADC Water Week, held under the theme “From Vision to Action” was attended by delegates from government ministries, civil society and the private sector. 

/ Southern Africa

ILC, GWP & IWMI hold land and water governance workshop

The International Land Coalition (ILC), Global Water Partnership (GWP) and International Water Management Institute (IWMI) has brought together land and water professionals, researchers and policy makers to reflect on the linkages between water and land in the emerging geopolitics of food, and to discuss cases from global, regional, basin, national or local levels, where these linkages were successfully addressed in legal frameworks, policy, and/or practice. The workshop is being held in Pretoria from 15 – 16 June 2015.


/ Global, South America

Bringing Stakeholders Together in Bolivia

Eighty representatives from a diversity of water–related sectors participated in an informative meeting, held on 22 May 2015 in La Paz, to learn about the advantages of establishing a Country Water Partnership (CWP) in Bolivia.

/ Southern Africa

Addressing transboundary water resources management and mainstreaming AMCOWs strategic framework on water security and climate resilient development

On the 24th of May 2015, in Dakar, Senegal, GWPSA was presented at a validation workshop of the draft Priority Action Plan (PAP) for addressing Transboundary Water Resources Management. The workshop went towards the process of mainstreaming the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) Strategic Framework on Water Security and Climate Resilient Development. The workshop was attended by Representatives from the following organisations; African Union Commission (AUC), AMCOW Secretariat, AMCOW-TAC Chair and TAC Vice Chairs Regional Economic Communities (RECs), River and Lake Basin Organisations (R/LBOs) and Global Water Partnership.