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/ Eastern Africa

Kenya Water Partnership Elects a New Steering Committee

On 6 June 2017, Kenya Water Partnership held an extraordinary General Assembly Meeting at Grace House Resort Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting objective was to address governance issues, elect new office bearers and meet requirements for accreditation
/ Eastern Africa

OSS and the Government of Uganda sign an Agreement for the Implementation of EURECCCA Project in Uganda

On 09 March 2017, the Executive Secretary of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory(OSS), Mr. Khatim Kherraz and the Ugandan Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia Kassaija signed in Kampala, Uganda and Agreement for the implementation of the project called “Enhancing resilience of communities to climate change through catchment based integrated management of water and related resources in Uganda” (EURECCCA).
/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Celebrates International Women's Day

This year, GWP marks the International Women’s Day by highlighting quotes from women water champions. Drawing on the global theme for this year: Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality, we are asking women in the water community to answer the question: How can the water sector step it up for gender equality?
/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa

International Water Law Training Picks Up Pace in Africa

A training course on International Water Law (IWL) in Africa took place in Kampala, Uganda, in June. It was the second year running that GWP and its Partners organised the course, with the aim to strengthen transboundary water resources management in Africa. The training was appreciated by the participants who lauded its significance in improving water governance in basins.

/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Participates in the 1st Africa Drought Conference (ADC) in Windhoek

GWP Eastern Africa (GWPEA) Regional Project Manager for IDMP attended the 1st Africa Drought Conference (ADC) that was held on 15-19 August 2016 in Windhoek, Namibia. The theme of the conference was “Enhancing resilience to drought events on the African Continent”. The conference was aimed at discussing ways by the participants (African Union states, UN agencies and other stakeholders) of enhancing resilience on the African continent

/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Facilitates a Workshop to Assess Progress on SDG 6

The Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment in collaboration with United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Global Water Partnership, Eastern Africa are facilitating the piloting exercise for the Sustainable Development Goal number 6 monitoring methodology in Uganda.

/ Eastern Africa

Annoucement: Consultancy Service for Updating GWPEA Resource Mobilization Strategy and Developing its Operationalization Mechanism

Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa ( GWPEA)needs to develop  a resource mobilization strategy and action plan due to the shift in responsibility for resource mobilization from global to regional and countries. More focus to leverage resource has been shifted to country level while the CWPs do not have capacities. GWP’s role needs to be  very visible to  development partners and show  actual investment on the ground.

/ Eastern Africa

Training on International Water Law Kicks off in Kampala, Uganda

The Regional Training on International Water Law for improved trans-boundary water management in Africa started on 6 June 2016 at Africana Hotel in Kampala, Uganda and was officially opened by Mrs. Florence Adongo, Director of Water Resources Management at the Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment