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/ Global

GWP in Action – 2023 Annual Report is out!

Keen to get an overview of GWP’s work and impact? Look no further. Our 2023 annual report presents snapshots of a year of inspiring results, and includes stories that illustrate how our work advances global and national water security objectives and partnerships.
/ Southern Africa

Roadmap towards reversing Biodiversity Loss in the Pungwe River Basin Ecosystems -a lifeline for People, Wildlife, and the Economy

The Pungwe River basin, shared by Zimbabwe and Mozambique, is rich in plant and animal diversity. However, the ecosystem is now under threat from human activities. In 2023, Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) commissioned an Environmental Flow (EFlows) assessment to understand how the Pungwe River Basin and its ecosystems work, the findings of which will help in managing the river and protecting its natural environment.
/ Eastern Africa

Leveraging Water for Peace and Prosperity: The launch of the Response Strategy for Strengthening Water Resilience in Rwanda

The Global Water Leadership Program-Rwanda launched a response strategy aims at strengthening water resilience in Rwanda in the event held on 22 March 2024 at Radisson Blu Kigali. This event, coincided with the celebration of the 2024 World Water Day themed “Leveraging Water for Peace and Prosperity” brought together representatives from various government institutions, international organizations, regional and national institutions.
/ Southern Africa

Biodiversity and Livelihoods in the Pungwe River basin under threat

The Pungwe River Basin originates in the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe and flows through Mozambique into the Indian Ocean. About 5 % of the basin area is in Zimbabwe, with the remainder in Mozambique. However, about 28% of basin flows are generated on the Zimbabwean side. The basin is rich in plant and animal diversity, which is constantly under threat from anthropogenic activities.
/ Southern Africa

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis to unlock investments in the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save River basins

With technical support from the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA), the governments of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have developed a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save (BUPUSA) River Basins. Upon finalization, the TDA is expected to inform the priorities for unlocking investments for reduction in environmental degradation, reduction in poverty, improved water quality, green and grey infrastructure development, flood control, and improved water governance of the BUPUSA Basins.
/ Global

And now… some good news about IWRM!

As we approach the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia, themed “Water for Shared Prosperity”, it is an opportune time to take note of the current state of water management in the world. How are we doing in managing our water resources, and what is the outlook for the future of water management? Will the world be able to achieve water resources management in a way that will continue to enable our society to grow?
/ Southeast Asia

Thematic Consultation Multi-stakeholders in the Water Resources Sector

In commemoration of World Water Day 2024 and to support the 10th World Water Forum, GWP Indonesia is holding a series of activities through the 5th Indonesian Water Forum. The series of activity started by multi-stakeholders’ consultation in collaboration with Ministry of Public Work of Indonesia and The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.
/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Global, South Asia, Southern Africa

Seven countries geared to become international models for water leadership

Seven African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries have laid the foundation to becoming international models for water leadership after implementing a 3-year Global Water Leadership in a Changing Climate (GWL) Programme that helped them identify major challenges in water resources and services management as well as develop strategies to resolve them.