Agriculture Stakeholders Join Forces at World Irrigation Forum

Stakeholders concerned with water management and food security recently gathered for the First World Irrigation Forum in Turkey. A GWP delegation participated and discussed future collaboration possibilities with forum organiser ICID (The International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage).

Around 700 people from 62 countries – policy makers, experts, research institutions, non-governmental organizations, private sector companies and farmers – got together to discuss the water challenges affecting the agricultural sector.

GWP was represented by Dr. Uma Lele, member of the GWP Technical Committee, and John Metzger, Head of GWP Network Operations. Their participation included Dr. Lele presenting a keynote address on Financing for Irrigation and Drainage, and Mr. Metzger presenting the Integrated Drought Management Programme, a joint initiative of GWP and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Future Cooperation

A wider GWP-ICID collaboration was also discussed at the Forum, with the aim to foster stronger links between the ICID and GWP networks. The ICID, established in 1950, is recognized as the leading international technical network of professionals in more than 100 countries working for sustainable water management for food security.

GWP will encourage its regional and country water partnerships (RWPs and CWPs) to link up with National ICID Committees where possible, and a stronger GWP-ICID technical collaboration will also be explored.

Potential joint initiatives for floods, droughts and climate services was also discussed, and GWP agreed to engage with ICID on relevant drought and flood management activities. 

Mr. Metzger attended the meeting of an ICID Africa Working Group where capacity-building issues in agriculture and irrigation were raised as a dire need in Sub-Saharan Africa. He took the opportunity to share with the group GWP’s Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) in Africa.

Main photo: Aerial view of Mardin/ICID Media Gallery

Uma Lele

Dr. Uma Lele speaking at the World Irrigation Forum.

John Metzger

John Metzger participating in a discussion in Mardin.