Countries Using Flood HelpDesk

GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki participated in a meeting of the Integrated Flood Management HelpDesk,with WMO and other Support Base Partners (SBPs) in Geneva on 4 and 5 October - to discuss achievements so far and what can be done in the future. Since the HelpDesk´s launch in June 2009, 26 requests from 14 countries have so far been received, and dealt with in various different ways depending on the level of the request.

The HelpDesk for Integrated Flood Management (IFM HelpDesk) is a responsive, demand-driven facility that provides guidance on flood management policy, strategy, and institutional development related to flood issues for countries that want to adopt the Integrated Flood Management concept. Responses are developed in close partnership with the organization making the request, and tailored to the needs of the particular country, with the aim of helping in IFM implementation whether at community, city, subnational or national level.

Support Base Partners provide specific expertise in particular areas on a pro bono basis, and include partners such as the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, UNESCO-IHE, DHI, the Dundee Centre on Water Law and Policy, and many others. Annual gatherings of the Support Base Partners will be held from now on as demand from the HelpDesk grows. It was suggested to put a monitoring and evaluation strategy in place to assess the effectiveness of the HelpDesk and its activities. A communication strategy has been drafted that should answer the question who should contact the HelpDesk, for what reason and what may be expected – and to make the opportunities offered by the HelpDesk better known at country and community level.