Evaluation from GWP Consulting Partners meeting 2008

Summary of evaluation from the GWP Consulting Partners meeting 15-17 August 2008 in Stockholm.

An evaluation form was sent to the 100+ participants at the August 2008 Consulting Partners Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden. There were 10 replies, 6 from the Secretariat and 4 from the regions.

All the replies agreed that their expectations were Met or Fully Met, and that the CP Meeting was a good opportunity to contribute to the 2009-13 Strategy.

In regard to organisation of the meeting, responses were overwhelmingly marked Good or Very Good.

As for suggestions for improvement under the above categories, two comments worth noting are:

1. ‘at least part of the material be circulated well in advance, allowing consultation in the regions that will assist participants to have a good level of understanding’

2. more time for social activities and networking

In response to the question about programme design, respondents were positive about the design (e.g., plenary/group) and content, but less positive about the chairing and facilitating.

One suggestion for Chairing/Facilitation was that there should have been more focus on extracting and synthesizing conclusions and not just limited to making sure all views were reflected.

The Closing Session was given Very Good or Good marks except by two respondents. A suggestion for future meetings was that more participation should be secured from GWP collaborating organizations, including donors and Steering Committee members—they are critical for GWP work and should be present at, and participate in, the annual partnershipwide meeting.