Mountains have a special role in the water, food, energy, and environment nexus. More than half of humanity relies on water from mountains. 10% of the world's population depends directly on water from mountains, and 40% depends indirectly on water in mountains areas.
The following questions were raised by the panel and the audience:
- As the population grows, from where will the increased amount of water come?
- Can mountains deliver enough water?
- What will be the effects of climate change?
- Is the solution a nexus approach?
- Which trade-offs are necessary to do?
Read a report from the side event.
The panel agreed that it is essential to put mountains on the global agenda, linking the global to the local context.
The Side Event was organized by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), the Government of Nepal, Mountain Partnership, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), EVK2CNR, Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA).