GWP Technical Committee Adds Three

Three new members of the GWP Technical Committee have been appointed. After a worldwide search in 2009, 95 nominations were received. Taking into account the Committee’s existing experience and expertise, its regional mix, gender (four women, three men) and its anticipated areas of work, the GWP Steering Committee approved the appointment of the following new members:

Tushaar Shah is a Senior Fellow of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in Sri Lanka. He obtained his doctorate from the Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad and specialized as a development economist and in strategic management. Before IWMI, Shah consulted with scores of NGOs, governments and lending institutions, including the World Bank, Ford Foundation, Swiss Agency for Development Co-operation, and the Swedish International Development Agency. He is the author of five books and over 50 research papers. His expertise includes areas of groundwater governance in Asia and Africa and the practical implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in developing countries. In 2002, Tushaar Shah was given the ‘Outstanding Scientist’ award of the Consultative Group of International Agriculture Research (CGIAR).

Dale Whittington is a professor in the Departments of Environmental Sciences & Engineering, and City & Regional Planning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA), and at the Manchester Business School (UK). Professor Whittington teaches in the areas of environmental economics, nonmarket valuation, water resource policy, and cost-benefit analysis. His main research interests are water resources policy, international river basin management, and municipal water and sanitation planning in developing countries.

Wouter Lincklaen Arriens is the Lead Water Resources Specialist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He obtained a M.Sc. in tropical land and water management from Wageningen University in the Netherlands specializing in policy and management. After his first water assignment in Indonesia in 1979, he has lived in Asia since 1985 with experience ranging from participatory community projects to river basin programs and water leader summits. He joined the ADB in 1992, and his current interests include IWRM processes in river basins; water security and governance; regional knowledge hubs and networking; and integral water leadership coaching.

“Their qualifications are indisputable,” said Mohamed Ait Kadi, the GWP Technical Committee Chair. “Each one will bring a depth of knowledge and experience that will further GWP’s reputation as a leader in water policy and practice,” he added


List of GWP Technical Committee members