Linking Good Water Governance And Financing

Until recently it was rare for water professionals to consider financing issues. Water advocacy and plans were often aspirational – neglecting to show where the money would come from, how activities would be financed or who would pay for them. It was as if finance was somebody else’s problem. Likewise, people from the finance sector have not given great importance to water related issues. However, this situation is changing and finance is becoming an essential topic in water management circles.

The EU Water Initiative – Finance Working Group (EUWI-FWG) and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) have been instrumental in influencing this change through knowledge generation with a broad range of partners and by clearly articulating the message that finance and good water governance are inextricably linked. Moreover, the need for water resources management and water services to be an integral part of national development plans has been highlighted in order to access government and donor finance.

To raise awareness of the tools and sources of finance needed for water related interventions, the EUWI and GWP have published “Unlocking finance for water security: Building capacities and raising awareness.” This report is the result of a series of workshops that have been organised since 2007 to promote regional and country level awareness, knowledge sharing and capacity building. There is a big demand and interest for this kind of training. The publication can be downloaded here.